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Is there anyway to de-lace weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by atvrdr, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Just wondering because lately dealers in my area have been lacing the dankest Blueberry haze with PCP. :mad:
  2. dude i HIGHLY (and i mean HIGHLY) doubt your shit is laced. and if it was fuck it and buy all that shit and get dusted as fuck. but no your shit aint laced prolly.
  3. I would agree that your weed probably isnt laced. Why would a dealer wanna put extra money into his nugget to sell it to you for the same price?:confused:;) Just buy it and smoke up man. Get faded as hell and have a blast. Sounds better to me.
  4. Who would lace really good weed?... I thought they just did it to shitty weed so it costs the same as dank. I dont believe it.
    just smoke it. if its pcp, oh well, just go with it.
  5. The reason their lacing is so that more people will get addicted to their stuff, and my dealer personally told me that it was laced. Call me a bitch but i don't want to fuck with PCP.
  6. heres how you can tell its laced. does it look weird? like dark? maybe a bit damp looking? does it smell like chemicals (like ether) and does it taste like metal? it should crackle and 2 or 3 hits should have a first timer high. thats how you can tell. and the high is a lot different from weed. it makes you super light but super heavy, speedy but slow, colors invert (green to red, etc) it makes you NUMB as fuck and i felt complety insane.
  7. Alright thanks man i guess i'll post back in a couple and let you guys know how it was.
  8. alright man let us know.
  9. i dont know why everyone thinks no one laces anything. its a recession.. people have less money, and will spend an extra $__ to make a profit back. a friend of mine recently had some weed and it was laced with baking soda, dusted it on the buds and said it was kill and sold it for an extra $10
  10. Yes but baking soda is cheap .... PCP is expensive.

    I have no doubt that some unscrupulous dealers add "filler" to stretch their product out and generate more income, but I am calling Bullshit on these same sorts of low life's adding expensive and hard to get drugs in an attempt to create "users".

    Good pot sells itself ..... there's absolutely no incentive to add extra value (PCP) without raising the cost.

  11. In 18 years of smoking all over the world, I have never once encountered laced weed, nor have I ever met anyone who has smoked laced weed.

    I'm not saying it doesn't ever happen, but it's extremely rare and doesn't make any sense for the dealer. The whole "getting people addicted" argument is stupid, because most people a) won't get addicted to any drug their first time and b) realize their shit was laced and not go back to that dealer.

    BTW... I consider "laced weed" as weed that has been laced with another drug (ie, pcp). Weed sprayed with a filler like baking soda or salt isn't really laced, it just means you have a shitty, cheap ass dealer (i've never encountered pot with a filler either)
  12. Your one lucky bastard if your getting free laced weed
  13. i agree with most people - why would someone spend money lacing weed with PCP, just to turn around and sell it for weed prices - you'd lose money in the long run - plus, laced with is REALLY hard to come by


    the dealer straight up told him that he's lacing it - what would he have to gain by telling him it's laced when it's really not
  14. Maybe the dealer thinks the guy will buy more or sumthing... I dunno =P

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