Is there anybody else here that JUST smokes weed?

Discussion in 'General' started by stonero, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. I only smoke.
    Drinking, very rarely.

    I dont enjoy drinking- you loose control of you need a time set aside to party. I dont have that. hah. Same with mind altering drugs...... you cant go to work right after. (i KNOW someone is going to post how they can... but I just wouldnt(

    Smoking......= still able to continue on with the day.

    Thats very important i think! tehe


  3. ...This is kinda funny to me. If you've never touched tobacco, how could you have ever smoked a cig? I rarly drink, maybe 3-5 times a year the past while. Other drugs I do enjoy though. So I do a fair share of chemicals/parms/other naturals (salvia/mushrooms for example.) I'm not a smoker.
  4. the past few weeks have been weed and a small number of cigs only (pack every 5 days or so).

    But away at college I hang out with different people andthings are different..lots of weed, shrooms on occasion, drinking to get drunk most nights of the week, coke very occasionally, minor painkillers, pack of cigs every 2-3 days or so. That and lots and lots of unhealthy food, haha.
  5. idk man i know a lot of people here do pharms...anyways i dont see the need to limit myself to weed ive tried a lot of drugs i guess weed, tobacco, alcohol, shrooms, amphetamine, lsd, salvia, cocaine, energy drinks...(lol i think they should count vodka plus redbulls are nice as are jager bombs).

    i think that's everything i've done plus various pharms muscle relaxers and pain killers are fun...and the only thing i really want to try in addition to that list is mdma which im sure ill get around to...anyways ive been pretty clearheaded as of late just smoking bud mostly along with a little beer pong action... i just wish i could get those little white balls into the cups more often i always lose lol but i do have fun i guess thats all that matters...
  6. I almost exclusively smoke bud these days. I used to drink quite a bit in my late teens/early 20's. I first tried bud when I was 19. It was laced with angel dust and I didn't know so I was really messed up for the duration of that night. I once tried LSD and while I was trippin I threw up so that ruined my experience with that. Anyway, pass the bud! :smoking:

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