is there any way i can go back to my natural color?

Discussion in 'Fashion & Lifestyle Trends' started by speechless, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. i have dyed black hair, but i'm naturally blonde. my hair is retardedly damaged, so i'd prefer to not strip it with chemicals. growing it out would take forever, because my hair is quite long. are there any shampoos or products you know of that will fade the color overtime without being too harsh? shanks guys :wave:
  2. I'm a natural blonde as well, and it is possible to get that black out at a salon. Just try to find a good color specialist to take care of your hair so they don't ruin it completely. You should also invest in some Morocco Oil. It does wonders for dry hair. You won't be able to go back to a regular blonde at first but a light brown might be your best bet and highlights weeks later. Good luck to you.
  3. Box black haircolor is the worst color to try to remove. You would definitely have to do it in stages. Maybe dark brown for a while, then light brown, then dark blonde, and so on.

    There are products that professionals use to remove hair color that aren't damaging to the hair. There's a few that only attach to the artificial color molecules and removes them. But you'd have to go to a salon to have that done.

    And whatever you do, don't try bleaching it out. With black it usually just drives it in deeper and makes it that much harder to get it out.

    Good luck!

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