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Is there any MJ in Philly?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cancer_in_PA, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I already explained my problem getting it. So, I went out today (feeling like shit and puking out the car door) and took a drive through Philly. I drove through the ghetto, South St, swung by the head shop on cottman and asked a few people out front. In all I must have ask at least 30 people who looked like they might smoke and still came home empty handed. WTF do I have to do to get some weed around this shit hole?:mad: I figured I'd vent here and wait for some asshole to post some smartass comment.
  2. Make friends.
  3. You just gotta know the right people. Btw, I wouldn't ask random people on the street, especially if your by yourself.
  4. that was fast
  5. Hmm you say Philly? I'd say go look around any cheap cheesesteak place for stoners fiending with the munchies.
  6. haha, although this is funny it's probably your best chance.

  7. Geno's (sp?) i don't live/ have ever been to Philly, but I know thats where I would go to get the BEST cheesesteak in the world if I had the munchies. I watch a lot of food channel.

    Good luck... and if its possible, look into growing. the LST method is great for closets
  8. Fixed that for ya ;)
  9. Liquor stores and bars late at night, have someone with you if possible. Ask around, hell where I'm from if you walk into a gas station you can generally ask around and find a hookup.
  10. my question is, where isn't there MJ in Philly, I had such and easier time getting it there, then I do in FL now.

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