Is there any free video editing software?

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by tflga, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. If so, what is my best option & where can I DL it?
  2. Am I allowed to say whatCD?
  3. Sony Vegas:hide:
  4. There are many free video editors, but I wouldn't recommend any of them. Windows Movie Maker is probably the best out of the freeware out there now. Which is a shame because it's not very good. Avid used to have some freeware that was pretty great, but they quit making it.

    You could try however:
    It's wonky and old, but it might do what you need it to. If you're just cutting up and processing video the two best I've used are:

    Your best bet though is sinking some money into editing software if you're planning to use it often.
    Adobe Premiere Pro is amazing. You could probably find the CS3 version for fairly cheap now.
    Sony Vegas Pro is pretty great as well. Pro 8 is probably available for around or under $100 now.

    There are obviously other alternatives to acquiring these, but I cannot recommend it on here.

    I have experience with both Vegas Pro 8 and Adobe Premiere CS3 and CS5. I prefer premiere. It has a slightly harder learning curve, but it allows for so much more processing.

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