For example; people who claim they play instruments better, etc. I doubt there is and I am not saying marijuana doesn't indeed do these things... but i'm wondering why and how this happens. Thus far i've only read articles about the effects of marijuana on the body/brain but not cognitive ability and things like this. It's sad that this fucked up government doesn't allow further research to be conducted on the benefits of this plant. Also, when I shadow box while high I notice that my arms move at a faster speed and that my boxing is more fluid and natural... strange, I now, but I was also wondering if this is a placebo and I am imagining things. Anyone else box/shadow/slap box while high and notice this?
i dk about marijuana but psychedelics like lsd and psilocybin are proven to improve creativity. i.e. playing music and shtuff
yea ive heard of this and actually one of my stoner buddies rhymes better when stoned like in a freestyle not stoned he aint that bad but when he is stoned he freestyles good as hell
hahahaha lets just say when im playing xbox and i go have a sesh i can easily play at least 10x better. weed + gaming = insane skillz for me
when i smoke with my buds one of the guy always get so high that he just gets his guitar and just jams out. i dunno how he is sober but damn he is fucking amazing when he is high
totally agree with above post. its different with every person. i tend to get really focused and things, especially music. i have no sources to cite for this, but it seams like weed really affects a persons ability to keep rhythm. People Driving Better?
Smoking stimulates certain brain waves (I forget if they're alpha or beta, sorry)... But an increase in these waves = an increase in creativity... *ADD* And yes, this is well documented. I wouldn't doubt it help with a lot of shit. It helps people to relax, so things flow a little easier...
i was about to make a similar thread because i have a question. are there ways that i can make myself a little bit more clear headed/productive while high. i know that everyone has different reactions to pot and different strains will produce different effects but i find that when i smoke i get cloudy as hell, cant remember shit, and sometimes im stupid for a few days after (chronchitis?) i want to smoke more often but im trying to do well in school right now and i cant when im that hazey after smoking. any ideas?
Take ginseng and shit for memory... Maybe smoke a little less per session? This way you're not completely faded, just a bit buzzed.
It's a persons personal interpretation of the chemical. It's not going to be the same for everything.
Have you ever watched an episode of behind the music? There all the same, The band forms and becomes famous, They spiral into non stop partying and drug use still creating hit albums, Then they hit bottom and off to rehab, After there all clean they rejoin to do another album, And that album always sux. LOL
Marijuana does alter our perceptions but we are always beautiful and creative, all of us, all the time because we're human. Marijuana adds relief, whether those effects are fictional or "real," when I roast a bowl I feel better. In my way of thinking that means I don't need a scientific study to tell me if something enhances my life, I can make that call all by myself. Weed feels soooooooooooooooo good!
For me, I'm great at first person shooters when I'm all toastycakes. I think it's because my mind is racing, and I tend to think through things a lot faster. That, and I just get so engrossed in the game. When im sober, i dont really care. When i'm baked, I play as if my life depended on it.
I see a lot of anecdotal "evidence" but nothing really solid... damn no links or anything? I haven't found anything at all on google... suxxxxxx