Admins, Twice now I've been unable to make a post for no apparent reason. I'll be able to reply to other threads, start other new threads, but I'll try multiple times to create a new post and for some reason that particular post will simply refuse to go up. I think there might be some automated filter that prevents posts with certain words from going up. Is that the case?
Okay to provide more info, I'd attempted multiple times to make a new thread in the politics section... and each time the screen would simply turn to white instead of making the post. So, I kept the same thread title, but put in a very short message, and the new thread went up like magic. Then i went in and edited the message to include my original intended content and... viola.. it worked. The post is as follows. Could someone let me know why this post was filtered and not permitted as a 'new thread' starter? I've had this happen before and it's very confusing. THE POST Blades First off, I put "Brown vs. Coakley" because Brown comes first alphabetically, so let's not fight over that. Now, on to the sweet senate race deliciousness. Brown is leading in the polls, and if he wins it will likely derail healthcare. There are other far reaching implications with this election, since midterm elections are only 10 months away. In many ways this could be a referendum on Obama's first year, as well as on ObamaCare. Mass. is the bluest of blue states. Obama carried the state by 26 points. So, even a close brown loss could cause a lot of panic among more moderate democratis in purple (mix of red and blue) areas who had gone out on a limb to support ObamaCare. Additionally, every candidate that Obama has gone in to help campaign (Virg. and NJ governor's races) thusfar has lost. It's not that Obama loses elections for people, but if the dems can't hold this senate seat it becomes a strong indicator that Obama is unable to deliver elections for other people (something key to a president's success, being able to campaign and deliver close elections). Obviously feel free to discuss related matters here too. BONUS THREAD CONTENT: Make your predictions! Post them either in this thread or PM them to me and I'll update this OP with predictions throughout the day. Winner gets recognized for being a modern day nostradamus Sir Elliot: Brown by 4.5
No, there's not. There are certain words that are replaced with asterisks but nothing that would restrict an entire post. You can reply to threads, post new threads but can't post new posts? Is it a long post with copy/paste involved? If so, that could be the issue. *** I replied without seeing your 2nd post. It's not a filter. It's just something that happens with a glitch...but there's nothing we can do about it. Hopefully, it will be fixed with the next update.
Sorry for being unclear, hadn't had my morning coffee yet. Normally I can do everything without a problem. However, there have been two times that I haven't been able to start a new thread with a particular post. I have been able to start new threads with different posts, but for some reason those particular posts won't start a new thread. To circumvent the issue I've started a new thread with basicly a blank post (like with the word "filler post" contained as the entire body), then gone in and edited the OP to contain my original intended post. If I can clarify more let me know, this is a tricky thing to describe.
Did you type something up in Notepad, Word or something else and then copy and try to paste it here as a post? If so, that might be the issue. I guess what's confusing me is that you're referring to what you can't post as "particular posts" and I'm wondering exactly what you mean by that. Other people have had this issue but it usually turns out that they had a really long title or a long copy/paste action going on...and they explained it in a less Sir Elliot type of way.
A vB error related to length of title combined with length of post would probably explain it. TY for your help. Have you tried kicking the machine? Kicking the machine usually fixes most problems!
EDIT: never mind I see you have already done that, it's the only way around this strange glitch AFAIK though. Elliot if you're still having problems, I've figured out a way that will almost certainly work. Post your thread with a short title, and minimum characters. Edit your thread, change the title, then copy & paste your thread, then save. Should work.