Is there a difference between Drinking, Spring, and Distilled Water?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by WhatCounts, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. This is probably a really insignificant question, but I was at Publix earlier and in the gallons of Publix Brand water, they have Spring, Distilled, and Drinking water, all different. Is there really any difference between the three?
  2. The different kinds of water usually have how they were filtered listed on the package label.
    Most of them get RO(reverse osmosis), some are ozonated, and others are distilled. All are usually from a municiple source. Not too much difference. Distilled will have the least mineral content, and any that are RO filtered are good.
  3. Just use pH adusted tap water man. Your plants dont care if its filtered or not.
  4. drinking water is just.... drinking water. it could be distilled or not. spring water comes from natural springs and shit. distilled water is when they boil the water into steam (all the water) collect than put it in another container thus taking out anything that might be in the water because it doesnt evaporate.

    and as far as plants go, i use water out of the hose and it does just as good as any water.

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