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is there a difference between crutch and filter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by baconchips, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. My friends called me a retard for trying to roll a joint with a cigarette filter. Is there a valid reason for using a crutch instead of a filter?

  2. Yes, a crutch is typically rolled up cardboarx and nothing else. Popular opinion is that cigarette filters are overkill, unecessary or even reduce the potency of the herb. Plus ive heard they contain things other than cotton.

    Maybe if youre smoking spliffs but with a j just shove a tiny roll of cardpaper in the end
  3. Filters 'filter' the smoke. That includes THC. That's not the court of popular opinion, that's motherfucking science. If you're using a filter then you're wasting weed as its basically cleaning the smoke.
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  4. There is a compromise, you can use a jilter filter or zwister as its known, those crazy Europeans hey. but using any old cardboard is not a good idea.

    A smoking connoisseur will always have some good tips made from quality material, if a joint smoker, its just part of the ritual,
  5. its more or less stopping alot of thc from getting through and making the smoke have weird shit in it
  6. It just stops potential Scoobysnacks and help not crush the mouthpiece of the joint.

    Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
  7. A crutch does, yes. But a filter does that plus filter some THC.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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