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Is their a way to safely re-moisten buds that have dried out?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MrxNiceGuy, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Was wondering if there are any safe tricks that can re moisten buds that have dried out/way to dry.
    I have heard of the "orange peels trick" but i am not too familiar with this method and am concerned with creating mold.   

  2. I usually moisten half a q-tip, then tap it to the cover of the mason jar. Check in a day. :smoke:
  3. if u have some live plants take some big fan leaves and put into jar with dried bud...couple hours and bam! done
  4. Orange peel trick will work and mold wont be a problem unless you leave it in there too long, 24 hours max imo.Why though? If you over dried a harvest yeah you can still add moisture but that good smell that is lost from over/quick dry wont come back
  5. Try a orange peel
    I hear that, my buddy  given me some free smoke and he stupidly did not store it correctly. Its dry as a bone and would just like to add slight/little moister to allow slower burning. Still has a great smell and taste, just super dry.   I have also heard of using celery skin insted of an orange peal to allow Oderless moister   
  7. Wish i did, i like this idea alot
    Smart idea, i like this ^^. I guess you use plain old water rather than a citrus juice? 
    how many grams will this method re-moisten?
  9. Yeah, plain water, just moist, not dripping. I tried it once with about 4 Gs. :smoke:
    This was the method i was interested in originally, just wanted to hear others experiences and successes with this and/or other methods. Feel free to go into details guys 
    Sweet, thanks :bongin: 
    Will definitely look into this, do you feel 24 hours is a must or do you think it should be checked on every few hours?
  12. Doesn't hurt to check more often. I checked about every two hours then slept for 6 and it was good after roughly 20 total.  :smoke:
  13. #13 Mauhini, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    A really effective way and i read it in 420 magazine was to use lettuce to moisturize bud. Put the bud in  a mason jar and put a couple leafs of lettuce and put the lid on the side halfway covering the top and check it frequently. You don't want it to get moldy.
  14. #14 MrxNiceGuy, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    Will check into this also. This sounds like it would be better then orange peels (unless you are looking for a citrus taste.) Has anyone had success with this?  
  15. #15 MrxNiceGuy, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    Also just to make sure guys,  once the buds have retained moister as long as they are not over moistened they cannot mold or do these buds need to be used immediately ?
  16. Check out cigar humidifiers.
  17. #17 MissBaracuta, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    Yes take you a piece of lettuce and put it in with your smoke and have it on the bottom. Put it away and with in 12 to 24 hours it is nice and fluffy again with no extra taste to it!!!!  If it is a thick bud you might want to separate it a little but you don't have to much and it will get it how you want it again.  Just keep the piece of lettuce on the bottom and throw it away the next day.  And it doesn't have to be in a jar you can keep it in your bag just keep the lettuce on the bottom it does work I do it when I need to so have used it before
  18. Boveda 62 pack. Use them in my cvault, but they work equally fine in a mason jar

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