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Is the MFLB for me?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BlazinAllDay420, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Ilnow there is a lot of threads around about this but it will be different circumstances for me.
    Okay, so I still live with my parents.
    I dont smoke daily (the occasional weekday and every weekend though)
    I don't buy in large amounts and so would like to conserve weed.
    I smoke with friends on the weekends.
    Smoke by myself on the occasional weekdays.

    So taking all this into consideration, would the MFLB be for me?
    Thanks for any input and replies.
  2. If you know there are lots of threads about it then you should have answered this question yourself.
    You know its small and good for personal use. You know vapes period help conserve weed. So knowing all this you should know from the many threads you know about whether it would be right for you.
  3. There are many threads on the MFLB.

    If you want to conserve weed, toke in your house with no smell / sound, or toke anywhere you normally wouldn't be able to then yes.

    But if you only smoke on weekends with friends, the MFLB is not that great for group sessions because of the batteries. It would be good for you if you want to get high on the weekdays at home or something like that.
  4. I guess so... I hate teaching other people how to use it and if you want the best possible hits you need the power adapter which is another $64.

    But if you like saving weed, getting high alone (maybe 1 or 2 more people), no smell and portability (I haven't used mine outside the house yet) then yes the mflb if definitely for you.
  5. Minature Furry Lemon Bunnies? :confused:

    Someone care to enlighten me, please?
  6. Can you vape in your room with all the doors and windows closed, not using a sploof, not trying to mask the smell.

    Question is, is there still a smell if you don't try to hide it in anyway or by airing out your room.

  7. MFLB, Magic Flight Launch Box. It is a portable vaporizer that uses batteries. It is great for stealthy toking because it emits virtually no smell and is small enough to fit in your pocket! The MFLB is rather expensive though, priced at $100.
  8. haha, MFLB means Magic Flight Launch Box. And to add to the topic, if you are cool with spending $99 and could ship it to yourself then get it. I love mine :hippie:

  9. I have done that multiple times (everyday actually :p), and right as i finished my grandma opened my door and came in, did not smell anything.

    Mom knows i smoke, i asked her to check for me, and she said she didn't smell anything either.
  10. ^ yup, i even used it behind my dad once haha he didn't even know.
  11. Thanks guys, my knowlege of vapes is pretty much consigned to volcanos, however, I am thinking in the future of an investment in one type or another...

  12. I'm fairly sure it's the cheapest vaporizer out there. I mean yeah, $100 is a lot compared to buying a $20-30 bowl, but considering it's 3 or 4 times as efficient, it's actually fairly well priced.
  13. Personally I wouldn't buy one. It takes forever to take a hit and it doesn't get you that high. If it were me, I'd get something like a Vapir instead.

  14. I knew that you would be posting in this thread, hence the only reason I opened it haha. On subject, yeah I would definitely pick this up. Check out ebay, some sellers like easyvape have great package deals for like 80=90 bucks on there. Cheap, efficient, portable, and stealthy. Perfect for you bro.
  15. If you're planning to smoke/vape alone often, yes. If not, no.

    As much as people may deny it, there is a significant learning curve with the MFLB. I find it irritating to teach people (obviously depends on the person), and half the time, they claim its ineffective simply because they are dumb and can't follow instruction.

    Regarding your parents; it's the most stealth item in existence to be honest.
  16. getting one on the 5th will post how i like it i have HIGH hopes lol:hello:
  17. I got my mflb about a month ago. I still use glass, and blunts (rarely).
    The mflb gives you a cleaner high, also save your vaped bud. Can use it for edibles, but i like to smoke it. Dosent really smell like bud, smokes nicely, and gives you a nice mellow high (maybe more for you my tolerance is pretty high)

  18. euhm? you can take a hit in about 5 seconds. quicker than most vaporizers.
    And I've heard that the vapir has led people to never use a vape again..
  19. Well the instructions say to inhale like you're sipping a tea. So doing this, it would take 30 seconds to a minute to fill my lungs with vapor. It never gave me any sort of high so I just gave up on it and sold it a month later for $75.

    Personally I haven't tried the Vapir, but it's the only portable alternative that I know of, hence why I suggested it.

  20. 30 seconds man? You were 100% doing something wrong.

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