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Is the Medicalization of Marijuana upsetting anyone else?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by kms brown, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 kms brown, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I am all for mmj for patients who actually need it.

    I live in colorado and the MMJ buisiness is booming here. And Im not against the legalization of Marijuana but its really starting to piss me off:mad:.

    All of the people I know/used to go thru for Marijuana has gone medical. And since I dont have any medical needs for a card Im not going to get one. I mean I could, but Im afraid that it will hurt the cause and Karma will bite me in the ass for having a false illness as a reason to get one.

    Also its hurting the small family buisiness's that use the growth and distribution of illegal marijuana to put food on theyre plate. Like this one kid I go thru and was extremely happy to find. His dad and him grow and distribute for rent and food. But with the new medical craze all of theyre customers are gone and the poor kid is struggling to even have lunch at school.

    This is why I will always buy 100% Illegal and homegrown marijuana. I feel that we have walked into the governments trap. They now know the name of almost every grower and buyer out there now. If they decide to slam the bars back down on medical marijuana all of those people who happily have theyre cards stuffed into theyre pockets would just be another name on a list of houses to visit and bust. Not to mention that after all of the growers go legal, the government will be able to regulate, tax, and do what ever they want with our once free plant.

    Sorry I had to blow this steam off somewhere. Its really starting to get difficult to find a bag of pure 100 % illegal marijuana.
  2. I'm not an expert, but am pretty sure that marijuana is the only relief some get from the horrifying nausea of chemotherapy and from the debilitating pain some chronic pain patients experience, and am pretty sure you're a despicable fuck.
  3. weirdest post ever
  4. Some people truly need marijuana for their illness.

    I personally don't find anything wrong with it, if anything it's a sign that the community isn't so reluctant to just completely ignore the issue of legalizing marijuana.
  5. Seriously? i have nothing agiainst dealers, i mean i still live in a non-MMJ state so without them i would be fucked. but you cant get mad when your doing something illegal and get fucked and im not saying marijuana is rightfully illegal but thats just how things are.
    Everything runs smooth for a while and then something better come on the market its just how business goes. There is no need to blame MMJ.
  6. Your friends going medical should= more legit strains for you. Just give them $45, and have a dank 1/8 of your choice.

    I understand the lil kids struggle in his weed hustle. But thats just part of the game. He should have thought about that.
    I hope NC becomes a medical state
  7. Be happy your state is filled with dank shit my state sucks asss
  8. In the long run legalization should bring down prices, which most would consider a good thing. The bad thing for your friend is that now his profesion has lost it's danger factor, and he can't compete. Maybe he should sell to the meds too...
  9. Well this is America. The massive conglomerate corporizations will always take the food off the plate from the lower class farmer. I'm not surprised to hear that it is effecting people. However, many would kill to be one of the 13 states where its legal, so your preaching to the wrong choir. I hear what you are saying, but unless the government taxes it heavily, allowing everyone to under cut it, then we will be stuck with the current economic state.
  10. #10 PrettyLit, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    maybe your friend should get a job I'm sorry but we stoner's have been fighting to get the MJ word out there, and now that it is being recognized we are not stopping.

    I feel bad for your friends, but their is hundreds and thousands of us not trying to get caught that HAVE ILLNESS and this way is best. I know alot of people over here that need it but no medical up here. MY DAD NEEDED IT FOR HEAVEN SAKE's. R.I.P
  11. but thought provoking at the same time
  12. Exactly.

    I get what completely you are saying.

    I had a buddy the other night just go off on some people for them not being "cool" with smoking. It is still a mind-altering drug, at least in my eyes. So if people aren't ok with it just shut the door and keep tokin, no need to really gain others acceptance unless going with the medical argument.

    Like anything as said with businesses some people get screwed along the line...there were probably some people out there struggling (financially or medicinally), and they are now benefiting because of the legalization.

    I see both sides of these of issue and it's really hard for me to sway one way or another...:(

  13. Exactly...if people take the time to read it

    He's not talking about 'legalization'...he's talking about 'medical'

    And, I agree. We got medical here, and almost everyone I know has ran down and somehow got a card. Yet, they never claimed to be sick before. I would love to get a card myself, but I ain't gonna make up an illness to get it.

    The ones who are doing this are gonna make it rough on everybody else who seriously need it. This is the reason medical users are still getting busted. If you're on probation with a med card, they still violate you if you fail a piss test. If you get pulled over with a med card and have a pipe in your car, they're still bustin you for paraphenelia. When a med card holder goes in front of a jury, they're letting the jury decide if they think/believe you need that card. They're catching onto the fact that everybody and their brother has a card now. The docs are handin em out left and right and they're makin a killing financially.

    I know all of us as pot smokers would like to be able to smoke without worrying about the law. However, if the 'medical' laws end up failing in the end due to too many abusing the system, how will we ever get it 'fully' legalized?

    If you truly need the card, get it. But, if you don't 'need' it, don't fuck it up for those who do

  14. i just wanted to say that if u read the full list of things u can get your card for there is alot most people can get one without lieing i checked out my family and figured out that most of them could get there card

  15. Oh! I know this very well...and if you have an ailment that's not on the list, you can request it be put on the list.

    A lot of people 'could' get the card...but do they 'need' it?

    I know people with illnesses who don't smoke pot and never would want to...and they got family members trying to talk them into getting the card so that they themselves (the family members) can get their medical marijuana.
  16. #16 MidwestKind, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    The fact that your friend's dad for some reason can't man up and get a real job to provide for his family is pretty weak shit man.:rolleyes:
    I also wonder why he doesn't just become a caregiver if he's a good grower?:confused:

    EDIT: I'd also like to add that MJ is truly a medicine for so many different things that I think it would be hard to NOT be able to find a legit reason for getting a license. Whether sleeping problems,acid reflux, anxiety or something as serious as chemo sickness, they're all treatable through MJ. I see no problem in using this available means of legal protection and right to use, that is now being provided in some states.
  17. :hello: Im so glad you actually read my post:hello:

    Hes not my friend, hahah, just my dealer. And with this economy its hard to find a job in a small mountain town that pays enough. Some people have too much pride to "man up" and step down into a 9-5 at a gas station. ;)
  18. He doesn't have to man up at all, like somebody said previously, suggest to him that he should become a caregiver. He then isn't risking his ass selling illegally (or trying to make money by sellin pharms, meth, whatever, and gettin into shit). Then he can make money doing what he loves, smokin and growin a bunch of great bud.
  19. #19 FunkeeNuggz514, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Before you read this, let it be known that I 110% respect you for you not wanting to abuse the system.

    I am 26, almost 27 and I am currently in Indiana but I am moving out there to Colorado in May to go to school in Longmont til I gain residency and then I'm going to CU. Our state is horrible....our lawmakers think there is no such thing as MMJ and the reason they think that is because all the people who DON'T need it grab a card. I've been told that everyone now wants to see paperwork b4 they hook you up and I agree, it's bullshit that the 'illegal' pot is hard to get. The system (not the MMJ but the feds itself) takes advantage of the citizens so go get your card or ask a buddy who has one to get you some and SMOKE mane!!!!!

    I know when I go out there, I'm getting mine the day after I get my Colorado ID but I also have bottles of Methadone I have kept for proof that I need pain medicine but I can't take pills because I have a history of abuse. Not to mention, I've been on ADHD medicine since I was in 5th grade but I quit taking the shit because the pills make me speed all day AND all night. Shit happens bro....take advantage of every situation you can. EVERYONE can benefit from MMJ in one way or other. Just because you don't suffer from one of the 7 or 8 ailments required by Colorado law, there are other ways it helps but you gotta work WITH the system.

    I think of all the states, Colorado will legalize before Cali. California is still have all those rich ass punks who think a lil herb is wrong but when you got organizations in Colorado who work hard like they do, I think it will happen soon. Hell, there are about to be 3, maybe 4 towns in CO who already have legalization laws in place or about to vote on it. CA doesn't have those laws.
  20. #20 MidwestKind, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    LOL! I said he should man up OR be a caregiver if you read my full post.
    He decided to take a little piece of my post....... Look above at the top of page for the full post.:D

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