Is the FBI a credible source that is peer reviewed?

Discussion in 'General' started by As Above So Below, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Doing a sociology paper on Serial Killers and I found that the FBI has a massive amount of info about serial killers. But my sources have to be peer reviewed. Here is the link.

    Well certainly the FBI isn't going to publish false info about this subject..

    Would you say the FBI is peer reviewed?
  2. Nah i wouldnt call it that. It depends on the certain article. If its written by someone with their doctorate and published in a journal then yes.
  3. These are just a FEW of the people who helped put this together I think.

    r. Kristen R. Beyer
    Research Coordinator, FBI

    Alice E. Casey
    Crime Analyst, FBI

    Dr. Maureen Christian
    Professor of Psychology
    Marymount University

    Dr. Dewey Cornell
    University of Virginia

    Dr. Jay Corzine
    Professor and Chair of
    Sociology and Anthropology
    University of Central Florida

    Dr. Douglas Deedrick
    Supervisory Special Agent
    (Retired), FBI
    Forensic Science Division
    Metropolitan Police Dept.
    Washington, DC

    Gerard F. Downes
    Supervisory Special Agent, FBI

    Pamela J. Hairfield
    Management & Program
    Analyst, FBI

    Dr. Robert Hare
    Professor of Psychology
    Darkstone Research Group
    University of British Columbia,

    I would think that these are some credible people and I'm sure their work that contributed to this article is peer reviewed. Also like I was saying the FBI isn't going to publish bullshit on their site. It's a government website, how is that not credible :confused: I'm not arguing I'm just legitimately curious, it's such a good source of info.
  4. youre fine. its the government for fucks sake. of course its credible :rolleyes:
  5. Believe me I am with you on the fact that not everything the government says is credible, but in this particular case I think it's credible.
  6. Yeh it is man. trust me...
  7. Is your government a credible source of information?


    Is your government a credible source of information to site for a paper for school?

  8. Thank you lol. I know I had the mindset that it was credible but I just needed to know what other people thought.

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