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Is that supposed to happen?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by devilzlettuce, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. The other day I was smoking from my bong with a regular bowl Intsead of my a/c just to c wat the difference was I took maybe three hits and the weed fell through the slide into the bong water is that supposed to happen?
  2. Is this a trick question?
  3. What kind of slide? Maybe your used to the AC causing more drag and you just sucked to hard
  4. No its not supposed to happened, you sucked too hard and didnt load the bowl well.
  5. No it's not a trick Q I have never smoked out of a bong till I got this one a couple of weeks ago
  6. Answer my question or any of theirs then... you answer the one question that doesn't matter to this thread

  7. ahahahahhaha :D:D:D

  8. Well as you smoke your bud turns to ash, therefore decreasing in size, therefore if you suck the ash it could go through. Thats why people use screens and ash catchers.
  9. or you let the slide res up than you wont have to deal with that
  10. all these people are being dicks lol

    what you need to do is take a piece of weed thats too big to fit through to hole , so it will work as a screen and the ground up weed wont fall through
  11. which will burn and be sucked through anyway.

    doesnt matter the size, i bust all my nugs and smoke them in my bongs and you just have to make sure the packing isnt too tight or too loose so that all the marijuana gets burned before being sucked through.
    fine science really once you get the hang of it, you see people do it without realizing it im sure of it.
  12. possible...maybe.
    most likely only to you though.
  13. Get a gauze man.
  14. i read his and answerd at the same time you posted ur Q then my phone died sorry i was using a regular bowl nothing special

  15. well duh its gonna get sucked through when it cashes and turnes to ash.

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