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Is smoking scraped resin from your pipe a good idea?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by akuryo, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hey guys!

    Today i just wanna talk to you about something that happened to me yesterday. I just went dry, and decided to scrape my little glass pipe, since the inside was really coated in resin.

    So at the end i got a fair amount of it, and smoke it.

    Well, what happened next was pretty horrible. I just felt like whole my life was just worthless...Etc, i was basically fucking crying in my bed imagining again and again the scenario where i would suicide and how my mom would find out and be ruined and everything.
    Just thinking about it making me feel bad.

    What i think happened, but i can't really be sure, is that the resin is mainly THC, and not cannabinoids. The cannabinoids apparently let you have a fun high, and not be paranoiac and everything.

    So I'd just like to know if you guys just have had similar experiences with that ugly resin.
    And to all the ones that didn't, I can only suggest you to just profit of the fact that you're dry to take some time off, and NOT scraping your tools.
  2. Resin is basically tar leftover from burnt bud.

    I don't smoke resin purely because its gross.

    Your breakdown is not because of the resin, you have some phychological issues that you need to resolve. I suggest professional help.

    Also fyi, when you smoke it is the THC that has the phychoactive properties and the CBD's that give you the body high. The ratio of THC/CBD determines whether a bud will be sativa or indica dominent. Your theory is incorrect as if it was true then any indica dominent bud would make you depressed, which is not the case.

  3. :D:smoke:
  4. I smoke resin when i need to. I always get super blazed and feel great. It definitely is a different high then bud though but i like it. By the way I always smoke it through water, I don't know if that makes much of a difference health wise but I like to think it does haha.

  5. you will hear all kinds of crap.....

    facts are....resin gets you high ! if you have enough.....some will try to say otherwise...they are wrong....
    i have even made
    with resin....

    i been smoking it for like almost 30 years.....
    if it didnt get you high i would have figured it out by now.....

    just save it for when you have no bud...

    resin does not taste so great to most people...some will even say nasty....
    fuck it...its better then nothing....

    and i personally love the resin.....
    • Like Like x 1
  6. THC is the cannabinoid which in larger amounts gives you that heady "trippy" high. The others(mainly cbd and cbn if I am not mistaken) are the main ones that attribute to the body high.

    OT- I don't ever bother smoking resin. I need about a ball the size of a marble just the get stoned, the high(and prep/smoking) is messy, and it always leaves me wanting to just smoke bud. So all in all; I don't bother with resin anymore. I wait until I have some green.
  7. If you like smoking TAR then go right ahead, scrape your pipe and smoke that stuff. It has virtually no active cbds left in it, and any high you feel is actually oxygen deprivation, but if you enjoy ripping up your lungs for no real reason, go right ahead!


    Seriously, that stuff is only for the desperate and dry.
  8. yeah...that is what most will say.....:smoke:

    this is why i save that shit till there is no bud to be a little jar for it......yeah....

  9. ^^^ LOLOLOL!!!!! only smoke resin when ur dry dry dry
  10. Yes. Smoking scraped resin from your pipe is a great idea. Resin is the gift that keeps on giving.
  11. resin gets you high period, ive had as much as 40 grams of resin saved up, i wouldent save it if it did not get you high. its gets you plenty stoned believe you me:rolleyes:

  12. you really eat

  13. I gotta disagree, just a little bit. ;)

    While I don't normally smoke resin and I understand it's generally a pretty fiendy thing to do, I have resorted to resin before in the past when I was totally out of weed.

    There are people who say they got SKY HIGH off of resin and yeah that's mostly placebo, but I have gotten a pretty heavy buzz from smoking resin before.

    And I've smoked long enough to know the difference between a placebo and actually getting a little high. :poke:

    That said... compared to smoking normal buds, resin is pretty unhealthy and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. But I also wouldn't say that it's impossible to get high off of it. :p
  14. Bottom line - It will taste awful and give you a heavy burnout.... but you will probably be high, so who cares?:confused_2:

  15. yeah why not?
    fuck it.....

    and in case you missed it...


  16. Thats not really true. You likely will get a buzz from it, and its not fucking oxygen deprivation lol
    But yeah it is smoking tar and its not very good for your lungs

    The high from it is like taking a half of hit of mids or something
  17. Well yeah maybe i've got problems of my own. Point is, i was really dry, since I can't find any dealer where i live (France) , and even when you do, you'll just be able to buy some shitty hash. And my only dealer stopped answering calls for some reason.

    Also growing isn't really an option since i live in some sort of dorm room.

  18. yes scrape and smoke the resin!;):smoking:
  19. I smoke res whenever im dry and it does the job just fine. of course its nothin like bud but if you got a couple dry days before a pick up, smokin a lil res will tide you over.
    i smoke it outta either a g bong or my single perc bong.

    sometimes ill just throw a lil keif on that res. you know, change it up a bit.
  20. #20 BalkanCommie, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    nope its not a good idea, but i still do it every now and then.

    i havent read any of the posts but im sure you have people saying "hey why not? it gets you high as fuck" and then you have others saying " EW! the fuck? why would you smoke that dirty shit" :smoking:

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