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Is smoker, grower , dealer the natural progression for most?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by The-Real-DJS, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Is smoker, grower , dealer the natural progression for most?

    It kinda seems logical
    smoke it love it
    get tired of paying
    make ur own
    want some money
    sell it
  2. Nah, there isn't really one. It's just what people like to do. Some people just love to burn and will stick to that for the love of the herb. Some people move on to growing but to be honest a lot of people are too stupid to bring themselves to figure it out. One could do that because they don't want to spend money on it and/or want to make money off it. Others move on to distribution to make money or because they love to buy and handle new buds all the time. It's whatever
  3. Has anyone in gc started as grower?
  4. like someone that grew before they smoked:confused:
  5. Actually, a friend of mine did that moved. I mean, he smoked a couple times, but he just really liked the whole botany aspect of it, not even for the product. I know someone who grows but doesnt smoke, if that counts.

  6. yup like kobe said some people apparantly like the art of growing 1st
  7. I was not a huge smoker when I started growing..I was actually just getting into smoking. I knew a friend that would buy weed for me..but he was so unreliable that I just started growing my self. Its kinda hard for me to make friends, bc I'm so fucking shy at first and I come off as weird to some people. Most people would probably think I was a cop anyway lol. Been a regular smoker/grower for about 6 months now.
  8. Yeah he wasn't even aiming for females though. He just wanted to grow the plants because they are one of the most beautiful plants to grow.
  9. I did....someone payed me to grow some for them and only after that did I start smoking it..I never was a dealer, i mean i have some some but only to friends because I had a lot and there dealers were dry
  10. My dad's friend grew a shitload of weed just for the fact of growing the plant cus' he doesn't smoke.
    Once he harvested , he gave it all to my dad.
  11. I wasn't wasn't a huge smoker when I started dealing, but I got into weed a lot more once I was serving, simply because I had so much of it and I enjoyed the herb. I've given that up, but I'm looking forward to growing in the future, just for myself and friends.
    So it was kinda out of order for me.

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