Is she ready to flush?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by green89, May 9, 2010.

  1. Here is my easy ryder plant that is nearly ready, how much longer do you think I should give her?

    I was thinking of flushing her for 1 week and then chopping her, she's roughly 8 weeks old. Leaves are starting to turn rusty and crispy which I'm not too worried about at this stage

    I have also included pics of my other plant which is in early flowering. I let her veg for way longer than I should have but hopefully she wont outgrow my wardrobe! This is my first grow.

    Any advice appreciated


    Attached Files:

  2. I usually start flushing around week 6. Just want to make sure your smoke doesn't hold any nutrients.
  3. thanks, any more answers?
  4. I usually start flushing 2 -2 1/2 weeks before I cut down, and for the first 5 days I give it some (little) molasses

    Good Growing and Happy Toking!
  5. Some people use the rule that right when you start seeing amber trichomes to cut it down but like everyone else here, I do mine about 2 weeks before harvest. And knowing that the average flowering time is 8-10 weeks, I would definitely begin to flush your plant. But this also depends on what kind of high you want. If you want a couchlock high it will be harvested later compared to a more cerebral high which would be harvested earlier

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