This is my first grow got the seeds mixed up when I planted and is either dna sour cream or barney's farm red diesel, considering harvesting before dawn as the weather here is calling for rain the next two days. She is just above 2ft and was planted late June. The pictures are not the greatest. Thanks
She looks ready.You probably can give her 2-3 more days of darkness.By the way those are some sexy looking plants you got there.
thanks, i was considering doing that, and the weather is calling for a thunderstorm tomorrow, so i am looking for a suggestion on how i would go about putting her in the dark. i was thinking about draping a garbage bag over top of her with a twist around the stem but would this create a moisture problem?
I dont know much about outdoor growing but you should ask someone in the outdoor grow thread.They should have a answer for your problem.But you know what you could even chop it before the storm hits.So she doesn't get damage during the storm and mess up your hard work.