Is Science Harder?

Discussion in 'General' started by AndrewLoGi, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Currently, I'm a second year university (Canadian :p) student studying biology and psychology. I've noticed that compared to all my friends that are studying non-science subjects (political science, business, humanities), I have quite a bit more hours per week for lectures/labs/etc.

    I'm not an elitist on the subject; I can't really gauge how hard the other faculties are since I've never really studied them in university. But sometimes I wonder if there really is a gap in difficulty between the two.

    Has anyone studied both science and non-science subjects? If so, did you find one harder than the other?

    Even if you haven't studied both, do you think that science is just inherently more difficult, or vice versa?
  2. Of course its harder.

    Philosophy, literature, public speaking, creative writting.

    All these classes I can do high as fuck.

    Organic chemistry, physics, and analytical geometry.

    Try doing that shit high as fuck. I guarantee you rage.
  3. Its more time consuming and you have to put in more effort. But being "harder" is subject to individuals. Harder is a perspective term. Some people find science a breeze some find it incredibly hard. And so goes with every topic.
  4. Science/Mathematics are more difficult than most subjects IMO

    I love chemistry & physics, but it can be an absolute bitch when you're trying to figure something out
  5. There is no doubt that science is much harder. With business, there are so many people who drop out of school and start their own businesses, or learn really late in life how to do business related things. But science, you can't just learn career-level science. You can't just go up and make an inspiring speech that's worth millions of dollars. It is ridiculously hard, and the scientists, engineers, and mathematicians of the world deserve more respect than any business person out there.

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