Is Santa Satan in disguise?

Discussion in 'General' started by SlowMo, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Is Santa really Satan with the letters of his name rearranged to mask his true identity? I dunno. But Satan lives in hell where there are flames and shit - and Santa has a thing for chimneys and fireplaces.
    Juss sayin...

  2. According to the picture, yes?
  3. That picture is pretty dope. HAIL SANTA \\m/
  4. Just because they are spelled similar doesnt mean they are similar
    thats a cool drawing though
    Yeah but that's probably an artist's rendition. I don't think its a photo.
  6. I actually saw a bumper sticker that said 'dyslexic devil worshipers sell their souls to santa'
    :laughing: made my night
  7. yea its a picture of a drawing thats why I said picture. I didnt think it was real
  9. #9 Kuollut, Dec 10, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
    Regardless of whether you believe in him, i can see the idea of satan in christmas.  It drives us to materialism and on what better day for the devil than christ's birthday/celebration
    I didn't think that you thought that.... ahhh fuckit
  11. Oh my bad haha
    I was like wait a sec...
  12. Seems to be the same with Easter too.
    hahaha! And I was like, huh???
    its pretty proven at this point jesus wasnt born in december, based on what the bible says lol.
    However the pagan holiday that is essentially the basis for the celebration of xmas, happens from december 22nd to the 25th. To Pray to the gods they believed in to bring the sun back. Those are the 3 days where sunlight hours dont get longer or shorter, so its assumed at some point their astronomers or the equivalent realized that and were concerned the sun might not ever come back with enough light to grow crops for the next year, so they partied harder than any of us have ever hoped to party, like mad orgies, crazy ass fucking shit dude... to get the sun back hahahahhaha
    and boom, you have Winter Solstice, aka Christmas or a variety of other things depending on what you believe in, but obviously only certain shreds of the remnants of the celebration leaked through in disguised forms like indoor trees and various other things...
    On the note of santa being satan though, it really explains the coal, where the fuck does he get all that coal? Maybe the fire place, sure... but... hell is a much more reasonable explanation hahahhaha
  15. [​IMG]

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