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Is quitting weed worth it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jeffersong808, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. I want to stop smoking and be drugfree #sober
  2. yeah you will save tons of money. And lose your tolerance, meaning if or when you ever decide to smoke you get really high.

    If you have any self control, i would just buy a sack and keep it for medicinal purposes, like when you need appetite or you have a headache or you need a hangover cure or whatever.
  3. No but smoking just once a week is.
  4. #4 passthebilly, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
  5. 5 more days until I haven't smoked in 1 month

    Before that I smoked daily for about two years. Just wanted to see what it feels like to be completely sober again and from there I will decided wether or not to smoke again.

    Probably go back but only once or twice a week

    Omega369 :wave:
  6. I don't support quitting weed but I can't say I want to be smoking it every day [because of money].. so my advice is keep tokin a couple of days a week to keep your sanity. Plus, weeds great. >>>
  7. Why would you want to? Don't get me wrong, I think about what life would be like without it all the time, but then I smoke and I remember why I still do it. Smoking is one of the best things in life besides family. It's just a great activity man. :smoking:
  8. Depends why your quiting. Ill be having to get clean here soon to get my felony ex-sponged. worth it to me.
  9. Why would you ever want to do such a thing? People who don't smoke are much more likely to be abducted by aliens.
  10. If it's giving you any type of mental disorder like somewhat unreasonable delusions or anxiety/paranoia you should limit yourself a sack a week or until you can handle high potency cannabis.
  11. Just cut back to a couple times a week. Personally I like to take a couple days break during a week. Normally I smoke on my days off or when im out at bar or party. I got lots of shit to do most of the time so smoking all day isn't something I would want to do anyways. Im sure I could still do the things I need to get done high but I like keeping my tolerance a bit lower and being sober is nice sometimes. Being baked 24-7 sucks and being sober all day every day kinda sucks too so I try to do everything in moderation. Drinking is fucking fun as shit as long as you keep it moderate becoming a alcoholic and drinking everyday would suck a lot of dick, same with weed. I'm not even comparing weed with alcohol because its not even a debate for me, weed is much MUCH safer and healthier then alcohol but damn alcohol is fun as shit sometimes.
  12. the question is, is quitting weed worth what? If you want to be drug free as you say then obviously quitting is worth that.
  13. I'm going through this debate right now. I have MAYBE .05 of kief left :-( and I want to quit to get a better job. The job does random drug tests though so if I quit I don't know how long it will be before I can smoke again! I'm still going to grow to try an feed my appetite an keep small jars for myself.

    It's a hard decision an a decision I know I must make but I want to keep smoking :(

    $22 an hour at 22years old is really really nice, with weekly pay an full benefits... But I really want to keep smoking... haha
  14. What job is it?

    Is money worth everything? If you're making a decent amount of $$$ and living well off of it at the moment and enjoy weed, the choice is obvious.

    I thought money is the answer to everything. My job does random drug tests, and I have not smoked in a while since I started, and it sucks to be honest without smoking. I rather enjoy the time and get high with my friends, and be able to kick it back working the other job I had. I made decent amount of money and lived well off of it.

    Just some food for thought.
  15. OP try quitting for a month and see how you feel. What answer did you expect to get from a bunch of smokers? I went over a month earlier this year and felt awesome during the time frame. I had a normal sleep schedule, worked out nearly every day, didn't feel all tired for no reason, etc. I'm currently on a break again because of a job search. The first few days or so are the toughest, but you'll eventually want to keep your streak going.

  16. What are you talking about?

    If cannabis is GIVING you a mental disorder stop immediately because what you have is not cannabis.

    If anything it should be treating it.

    Anxiety/paranoia are because it is illegal or disallowed in your location and if you feel really bad anxiety or paranoia when you smoke you should not smoke AT ALL. Period. In fact I don't know why you would have any desire to smoke at all if that were the case.

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