I am simply not satisfied with the ideas of quantum physics. There HAS TO be something more complicated than that. I know that I don't know barely anything about it but I want to learn MORE. People go around spewing basic facts about their knowledge of the quantum world like they are some sort of genius when a lot of it seems too basic to me. I search the internet for any information I can find on this stuff or anything more complicated but I can't find it ANYWHERE. All I see are stupid news articles by ABC and the "news" about the latest scientific discoveries that have already been known for years but NASA won't release for some time. I have searched through countless pages on the internet for more knowledge for something even more complicated, and read dozens of books, but I do not know where to look. If quantum physics is seriously the most complicated thing people can talk about then that is very sad. I KNOW there is stuff out there but maybe we are not being told any information about it. Come on. I just don't believe wormholes and black holes and antimatter, etc. are all we know today. Maybe the Deep Web would be more helpful? Is the government hiding other fields of science from us? Thanks!
Yes they are hiding it but i used to work for NASA 1995-2007 and know things that would blow your mind. Sent from my Huawei-U8652 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Too simple, huh? So you think quantum field theory is a joke? That renormalization and quantum electrodynamics is child's play? If you really feel this way, I highly recommend you pick up any of the non-student-friendly QFT books and try to understand the first chapter. Who knows, some people, like Feynman, tend to thrive in this business and you may be one of them. If you think the often oversimplified, extremely dumbed-down mainstream version of "quantum physics" is really as difficult as it gets, then you're totally clueless.
why dont you actually try to learn about it and then say it isnt complicated? you sound like you havent even tried to learn anything about it. but how do you determine if one field of thought is more complex than another anyway lol? i think you have too high an opinion of yourself
I never said it wasn't complicated. I said there has to be something more complicated that we don't know about or aren't being told.
And I don't know where to learn about any of this stuff. The internet is just filled with the same articles about the basics of quantum physics and I want to learn more about it but I can't because I don't know where to look. Quit putting words in my mouth. When you ask someone "What is the most complicated type of science out there?" most people will say quantum physics. But what if there is something greater that is still being studied in detail that they don't think the general public can handle?
[quote name="Modality" post="19464220" timestamp="1391534922"]Too simple, huh? So you think quantum field theory is a joke? That renormalization and quantum electrodynamics is child's play?If you really feel this way, I highly recommend you pick up any of the non-student-friendly QFT books and try to understand the first chapter. Who knows, some people, like Feynman, tend to thrive in this business and you may be one of them.If you think the often oversimplified, extremely dumbed-down mainstream version of "quantum physics" is really as difficult as it gets, then you're totally clueless.[/quote]That is what I am trying to say. Where do I find the non-dumbed-down version of quantum physics?? I don't want to learn stuff that isn't true and it seems that I can't find any qualified sources..
If you really delve into quantum physics, you definitely find concepts that have implications the general public would find disturbing. Not that these things are being hidden or anything. But people are very busy with things like the Superbowl and X factor, ya know? For instance, how about the idea that reality as we know it is a projection, like a living hologram? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2522482/Is-universe-hologram-Physicists-believe-live-projection.html
if you dont already, work to building a solid (college level) understanding of math and physics. then there are good places like coursea that offer college type online courses that would be a good place to learn the principles. here is a good example: https://www.coursera.org/course/eqp#!
Yes, you're absolutely right. There is an organization of incredibly intelligent people that do whatever it takes to hide anything too complicated from the masses, simply releasing little tidbits like quantum physics to satisfy the most of us. There are always a few like you, who really deserve a seat in that organization, who are locked out and simply have to suffer the frustration of knowing way too much about things that otherwise, are regarded as complex and difficult subjects. They say the best thing to do is dull the senses, often by means of constant intoxication, but not limited to desperate acts like throwing oneself down a stairwell.
People PLEASE take me seriously. I want a serious response with ways or sources to where I can learn more about quantum physics or something even more complex. I am in my first year of junior college and will hopefully be going to university soon. I am decent at calculus, geometry, and physics but I want to put it to good use and eventually get into the deepest, most in-depth part of quantum mechanics. I feel I deserve to know this stuff and I am sick of not knowing where to look. If you can't help me then go to another thread.
Dude. This thread cant be serious. How can we take you seriously? No way what you said is serious Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Boats And Hoes" post="19465704" timestamp="1391550368"]You may like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs1MeDUgEOA[/quote]That's a great video. Thanks
[quote name="yurigadaisukida" post="19465776" timestamp="1391551134"]Dude. This thread cant be serious. How can we take you seriously? No way what you said is seriousSent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]Feel free to go somewhere else.
dont dig too deep or you might end up like stephen hawking...j/k but my sister says god doesnt like you finding out his secrets lol
No seriously. You based your entire question on media bs. Did you even try going to the library at all? Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app