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Is packing fat bowls bad?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CDDIDIT, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Just wondering about this. Does it waste your weed? Sometimes i pack like little bowls i can finish in like a hit. But if i pack a fatter one does that burn more weed?
  2. Yes, putting more weed in your bowl means you are using more weed.

  3. :p
  4. yea i think medium size is the best way to go and dont break it up too much

    if your trying to get the most hits possible
  5. If you torch it and let all the smoke come out when you're done taking your hit then yes. Just corner it.
  6. Packing a fat bowl is never bad. :hello:
  7. even if you pack a bowl too big to finish, you can save it for later !
  8. I think you have to find a balance. I usually put enough to finish in like 5-6 rips. The bigger bowl you pack, the more weed will be burned/wasted. But on the other hand, I dont like repacking the bowl after every hit. But if you know how to hit a bowl correctly, you can minimize the smoke lost by alot.
  9. it just wont taste good as a fresh green bowl

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