Is our Middle Class Being Edged Out?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by qwerty man, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. So over the last decade our middle class, whether you know it or not, has been slowly shrinking.


    Meanwhile, our representative are becoming less and less representative of our actual population...

  2. If the Federal Reserve didn't print $16 trillion and give it to the world's richest people, I bet the middle class would have grown.
  3. Yes, the middle class is suffering through a slow death. Anyone who doesn't know this hasn't been paying attention.

    video related

    [ame=]The Wire - "We used to build shit in this country" - YouTube[/ame]

  4. I'll add, if the rich that took those funds had refused to take that 16 trillion, the whole country would have prospered...

    Two edged sword;
    corrupt incompetent Goobermutts thralls.
    greedy short sighted self centered wealthy parasites.

    One controls the other, and takes from what it controls (can you guess which one this is?)

    are all goobermutt people evil...naaaaaa. they just never get beyond the local levels...

    are all wealthy people scumsucking parasites on the world...nope, not all, most yes, but there are some truly honest and caring wealthy people out there...(wealthy, not uber wealthy, once they get to UBER status, they engage in the short term, short sighted, greed for greed's sake arts [bribes, killing, destruction, coverups..WARS])
  5. An important thing to realize, cball, is competition.

    If your competitor lobbies for a bailout or exploits a loophole, but you don't... what will happen?
  6. #6 Arteezy, Sep 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2011
    Yes, if everyone on Earth was an angel and refused bribes, a fractional reserve banking system with central banks that can print unlimited amounts of money might work.

    Where are these angels that are going to organize society for us?

    [ame=]Milton Friedman - Greed - YouTube[/ame]

  7. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary" -- John Adams, Federalist Papers

    But for real, many countries have central banking systems that work a lot more efficiently than ours.
  8. The idea of central banking is unethical. Why should a small group of people be able to print money and hand it to whomever they want? You know what they say about power...

  9. Well, that was never the goal or intention of ANY central banking system.

    When Hamilton and Jefferson had this debate early on, the issue was all about credit. Hamilton thought it was irresponsible for a country to have no way of building credit and reputation. The idea was to take small loans from foreign countries and pay them back immediately so we establish ourselves as a trusted nation. Kind of like what teenagers do (well, the smart ones) with credit cards when they turn 18.

    Jefferson, however, saw the opportunity for corruption early on, and he remarked, "If a Central Bank is ever created in America- through Inflation and Deflation the “Bankers” will Rob The Americans." And right he was. The robbing is what's happening right now and middle class citizens are the victims.
  10. Do you know anything about Jekyll Island and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?

    How could you possibly know the goals or intentions behind a banking system? Can you read minds?
  11. See ya!

  12. So...

    It's ok to rape/murder/steal, because someone else will do it...competition and do it first, don't want sloppy seconds...

    excusing those that make the choice to play the game, because others may play, is a weak stance...

    all that needs to be done, is to not allow the game to be played. To play, is to engage in immoral and unethical choice.

    So no excuse...the players choose to rape the tax payers, nobody forces them too...

  13. How could you possibly know anything, if people are hdiing their true thoughts in their minds??? lol
  14. No, I was saying I don't think you should villify one company for taking a bailout. If they didn't take it then their competitors would gain the advantage and push them out of the market.

    I'm not excusing them, I'm just avoiding villifying them as "greedy self centered short sighted parasites".

    Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    If you were in charge of 1,000 employees you might think a little differently about exploiting a corrupt system so they can keep their jobs.
  15. #16 mrbagseed, Sep 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2011

    Yeah, the corporations would be irresponsible in not taking them.

    But, Lets not act act as if our gov't came up with this idea and simply surprised the banks into a decision of whether or not they should take the loan.

    As you said 'hate the game, not the player'

    But the problem is, There really is no game-player difference anymore.
    Corporations control the gov't and essentially gave themselves bailouts.

    For example, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase served on the New York Fed's board of directors at the same time that his bank received more than $390 billion in financial assistance from the Fed. Moreover, JP Morgan Chase served as one of the clearing banks for the Fed's emergency lending programs.
    In another disturbing finding, the GAO said that on Sept. 19, 2008, William Dudley, who is now the New York Fed president, was granted a waiver to let him keep investments in AIG and General Electric at the same time AIG and GE were given bailout funds. One reason the Fed did not make Dudley sell his holdings, according to the audit, was that it might have created the appearance of a conflict of interest.

    Just a few examples that i didn't write myself
  16. Huh? Do you know what epistemology is? There are many ways we can know things other than through reading people's "truth thoughts in their minds."

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