Is not Believing in God Intellectually Limiting?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by ReturnFire333, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. How smart can we be without going to an ultimate power?
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. Believing in limits is limiting, and if you don't believe in limits, there is room for "God".

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  3. If I die when I’m 16, do I stay 16 in heaven forever? If I die when I’m 80, do I stay 80 in heaven forever?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Define "smart".
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. There's bigger questions than that Mr coffee you could question the bible itself and ask how in genesis noah lived until nearly a 1000 years old and all the other people mentioned around the start in genesis lived hundreds of years old.

    Etc theres so many things in the bible you could quedtion and some really funny ones.

    I do question in my head but it doesn't rile me up the bible puts me at peace its peoples choices.
  6. The bible says one inherits a changed and glorified body. But your best guess of what it looks like is mute because eye has not seen nor has ear heard that which is in the kingdom of the Lord God.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  7. According to bible intellect is a person who loves understanding and wisdom

    1. 1.
      having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
      "if he was that smart he would never have been tricked"

    2 different definitions.
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  8. Why would it be limiting?
  9. Because one non believer's best guess at the Truth holds no power over the so called possibility of God.
  10. Some other definitions of intellect: The ability to think critically, to assess rationally and work through problems, imagine, plan ahead...

    The Bible teaches that human intellect is limited. “‘No human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him”. Even the greatest intellects in the world have never been able to grasp the magnitude of God’s plan for the redeemed.

    The human intellect is unable to grasp God’s wisdom. What we naturally consider “foolishness”—a Savior dying on a cross—God calls “the power of God and the wisdom of God”. Relying solely on our own ability to reason, we would never arrive at the truth of the gospel. We must depend on the Word of God, not our intellect, to lead us to truth.
    Every part of us, including the intellect, has been affected by mankind’s fall into sin.
    Created in Gods image and likeness, we are all wired for intellect. It's just that when you start with the wrong information, you end up at the wrong conclusions.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  11. Noah lived to be 950. He was 600 when he started building the ark.
    Adam lived to be 930. And Methuselah was 969, the oldest of the patriarchs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  12. I have found many religious people to be quite limited intellectually. I don't believe there is a god and I certainly don't believe there is a heaven. We fade to black and cease. If there was a heaven, those people in heaven couldn't keep their mouths shut about it. They would drone on and on.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Im not saying this is true but you could argue being non believer is limiting and you are demonstrating it by having an ignorant opinion. Ignorance makes people think you are limited and have no imagination and limited ha ha

    Thats not my opinion I don't care but it could come across like that to a religious person.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Also many people who don't practice the Lords Word sin without represent, or worse, practice sin. I believe Jesus is a necessity not just to salvation but to life!
  15. I would say the exact opposite actually that believing in religion is limiting personal wisdom and knowledge. Religion was only created when there was no government set up to stop people acting out on natural instincts with scaring peasants if they sin they go to a fiery inferno. Religion actually held back modern medicine and science calling it magic derived from witches.
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  16. Believing you know that which you could not possibly know is intellectually limiting.
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  17. How. Please explain.
  18. In that case..... everyone is intellectually limited.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. The bible does say, it is "FEAR of the Lord brings knowledge."
  20. Have you ever spoke with anyone who's been to Heaven?
    Have you ever spoke with anyone who's been to Hell?
    Have you ever spoke with anyone who's faded to black?
    Did they all hold differing opinions, or did they all share the same advice?
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