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Is my plant stretching? Should I do something?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by OneDayJD, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. #1 OneDayJD, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2012
    I am doing my first grow with bagseed. I germed a few, they sprouted, and I planted them in solo (party) cups. Right now they're only under one 26w CFL, 5000K, 24/0. It's ghetto as shit right now. They've only been like this for about three days. They're going in their permanent home tomorrow (grow box) and will have much more light. One of the sprouts has stretching at least two inches tall, with a set of two little leaves at the top, and two more little babies inside it just sprouting out. The main stalk looks like it's getting too tall for itself. Is it stretching? Should I do something? I plan on LST'g, but it's way too early for that. They were potted in soil 3 days ago, so they've only been in soil three days. I'm blown away how fast these things grow. Guess that's why they call it weed! Thanks for any advice.

    ETA: I just did some more research on stretching. It seems stretching only occurs during early flowering, is that correct? If so, does that mean what my little girl (hopefully) is doing is completely natural, and she's just stretching her legs for a nice, healthy grow? Thanks.
  2. Stretching usually means you need more light.

  3. If so, hopefully I will remedy it tomorrow when I get them under more lights.
  4. If they get too tall while they're sprouts, don't worry. Just transplant it, burying the stem most of the way, pretty much all the way up to the cotyledons. Roots will start to grow out of the stem if it's buried, pretty cool actually.
  5. ^^^ good advice... also make sure ur lights are as close to the plant as possible without burning or bleaching especially when using cfl. stretching happens when plants are deprived of lighting..example : light placed too high. hope this helps
  6. Great advice. Thanks a ton. I plan on transplanting in a week probably. And I finished my light fixture today and will have it in the box so they'll be good and close to the lights. Woohoo! So happy with how well my light fixture turned out. I'll post pics in another thread when I get it all up and running tonight.
  7. One CFL is not near enough. 100w 1st plant 50w each additional plant if I recall correctly. Stretching is nearly 100% from the light not being close enough. In a CFLs case the light needs to be 2-4 inches away from the plant to be used for growing. Any further then about 6 inches and its not usefull at all. All your plant will do is elongate and eventually just fall over.

  8. I agree which is why I said they will be under much more light this weekend. I just finished my cfl fixture and will be running six 23w cfls, for a total of 138w, daylight (5000k). I was just wondering if they were already stretching from lack of light. But it won't be a problem after today. They're going under the new cfl hood in a few hours.

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