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Is my plant gonna die? Heeeeelp.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by DJBT, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Leaves are turning purple from the bottom up. It's about 2.5 weeks old. It's Chocolope Kush so I'm not sure if its supposed to have purple tinges. Anyone seen this before? Thanks.

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  2. Is it humid/warm enough? Are you watering once you cant feel moisture with your finger in the soil? I had a similar problem and upon improving the atmosphere(humidity, temp, light) things started to look better. I am assuming you have proper nutrients within your planting medium?
  3. Thanks for the response. The room does get a but cool sometimes. Ill try getting the temp up a bit. The soil is miracle grow all purpose organic mix. I don't think it has added mutes in it. Should I be giving it nutes already!
  4. And I only water twice a week so far. I only use like two cups of water right at the base if the plant.
  5. The soil is 0.10 0.05 0.05 if that helps

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