Is my plant dead?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by PurpDieselKid, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. Its been 3 days since i transplanted and ripped half of its roots off it doesnt look any difference since i potted it to its new home any help would be appreciated 1480438371300813085634.jpg
  2. Looks Fine just takes time for the roots to heal and get re established
    Give it time and love and it will bloom
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  3. I had it on veg time now i switched it to flower time 12/12 so it can heal and just keep it like that till flower
  4. Let it Grow
  5. From what I see you have it growing in cardboard?
    The room to grow taller looks to be a challenge is that why you flipped into flower so early?
    I veg plants for 3 months
  6. Does it look dead ?? sheeesh
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  7. I believe this will do more harm than good. A plant doesn't need sleep to heal. It needs the light to power itself because light is it's energy source. Leave it on it's veg cycle unless you just want a very small plant and yield.
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