So I think my room mate has a mental problem. He talks to himself out loud. "big fucking deal some people talk to themselves out loud" no you don't understand he talks to himself and growls in a demonic kind of voice and it sounds like he's posessed by the devil. I'm not kidding it's scary as hell. He doesn't do it in front of me but if I'm upstairs I can hear him talking, growling and whispering. I can't make out what he's saying and it's creeping me out. Especially at night I can hear him in his room I have to sleep with the fucking light on and even bought a lock for my bedroom door. Does anyone know what might be wrong with him? Should I bring it up to him?
Be like man you're freaking me out, whats the deal wit acting like the devil, if you have to lock your door at night you should prob find a new roomie.
he's onto something that you can't understand man. simple as that Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
You need a priest to sanctify some Holy Water for you...Draw a circle around you in charcoal so that you will be protected when your roommate comes through the front door and you begin splashing him with Holy Water while repeating the phrase, "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!" And he will be saved in approximately 24 hours.
Instead of beating around the bush with a bunch of random internet personalities... Talk to your roommate. If you scared, go to church homie.
so what?!? i talk to God and the Devil! its a PERFECTLY normal thing despite what you and my mom say, but you still shouldnt have talked about me online!
Is he maybe talking in his sleep? I certainly would ask him about it. Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
He must be practicing metal vocals. Just talk to him. No point in having a roommate you can't communicate with, dude
Honestly man he does have some mental illness. I have a friend whos bipolar and he talks to himself like he having a convo with someone inside his head, its gotten so bad his family tries to keep their distance. Hell he started freaking out the other day after we were just chillen and got mad at me and I didnt even do anything. It freaks me the hell out so I dont really hang out with him and if I was in your situation I wouldnt live with someone mentally ill, not because of the stigma, but because you cant predict when people like that are going to snap, especially if their delusional because they are perceiving things you cannot imagine.
start growling back shit man. two can play that game and see if he says anything to you SeNt FrOm My•☆GaL@x¥ $5☆•