I bought wax from a club and got home a performed the "at home test" to see if it was safe. I put a small amount on the end of a paper clip and put a lighter flame to it. The wax melted but sizzled and ran down the paper clip. Any ideas why? Is it safe to go ahead and start takin dabs? Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
well did it catch on fire? I just kinda check it by seeing how it reacts on a nail. If it sizzled it needs more purging because of remaining chemicals.
Didnt catch flames no jus balled up into a liquid ball sizzled and rolled down the paper clip. Is it safe to use? Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
how many dab bombs would u consider a "one time thing"? Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
It's most likely just moisture trapped within your oil...or it could be butane. If it tastes funky then it's residual butane.
just throw it on a nail. i havent tired to put it on a paper clip nd light it with a lihter. but im sure itll bubble around. whne u thrwo wax in to purge it bubbles till u take it out. so i wud throw it on a nial nd see. post a pic of the bho nd its easier to tell
Ive got concentrate from this club before but it was purged with flowers only and just melted off when i tested it. The kind i got this time was purged with stems flower and shake atleast thats what they tell me Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
Stick to solvent-less waxes or just flower.. get this chemical conglomerate out of here. Disgusting to say the least.
I agree i chose to dab but only safe shit thats why im asking if this is a problem or not im a flower fan overall Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
The amount of ignorance people have towards concentrates is amazing. Do some researchbefore you inhale something Into your body Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Tts wht im tryna do lol since im so ignorant help me out ol wise one Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
Selena? on my second grow: 1000W Coco Sour Diesel SCROG http://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1255714-1000W-Coco-Sour-Diesel-SCROG
From what I understand only bho made with vacuum purges are fully butane free, but most are mostly free of butane. If it crackles then there's impurities like butane or water in it, but all have sizzled a little for me. There's other extractions... ice water, co2, propane, isopropyl alcohol, etc on my second grow: 1000W Coco Sour Diesel SCROG http://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1255714-1000W-Coco-Sour-Diesel-SCROG
I thought the more it bubbled the better haha? Anyways bho is never completely butane free Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Not true it still all has butane in it, even if it may only be 50ppm. And 2,000ppm and under you stop tasting the butane so it will hit smooth look smooth and be filled with butane