Is my auto-flowering plant done ?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by MrFlops, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Whats going on GC, I got a few questions about my two auto-flowering plants. First, there were both seeds I bought off attude seedbank ( both were like $12, the chepeast autos they had lol) and they've been doing very well. I was just wondering if it was time to chop em down.

    Almost all of the hairs are red/orange and both plants smell amazing. They're only about a foot tall and have a decent amount of bud on them. I'm at work so I can't post pictures yet, but as a side questions how much bud do these small plants usually produce ?

    So pictures will come a bit later, but is there any definte way to see when autos are done ?
  2. That depends. You need a jewelers loupe to tell for sure. They are cheap on ebay. I ordered one for like 5 bucks total and it arrived in 2 days.

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