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Is mmj worth it?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by forthelulz, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. *read through if you want
    all of my high school years, i was this depressed quiet kid that had nothing interesting to say, didn't get invited anywhere, had few friends, even fewer that I considered my closer buddies. I had pretty bad social anxiety and generally loathed every other person I saw, not understanding how they could act so upbeat all the time. Then pot came into my life during my second last year. my social anxiety disappeared completely(as long as i didnt open up to the wrong people) my conversations started getting much more meaningful and i looked forward to going to school, learning and socializing with people, even if they weren't my friends per se. in addition to that i realized how shitty i was treating my body and started working out and eating much more(still in progress), managing my time to fit everything i wanted to accomplish without sacrificing anything, and just felt generally good about myself. grades went up too from 60's to 80s-90s. my sleep cycle has also vastly improved. i remember there were times where i wanted to shut everything out and disappear from reality just for that extra hour sleep, because i felt just so horrible about waking up, and that 'escapism' feeling haunted me for the rest of the day and made me a recluse even with those i could trust. after mj i woke up feeling extremely well rested and could go about my day without sulking or anything. i guess it really helped me put my OWN life in order instead of relying on some fantasy thinking everything would resolve itself magically.

    anyways im done with my little rant, the real question i want to ask the community is, would mmj be worth or even obtainable it while finishing last year high school and continuing to uni/college?
    there are a number of things that it greatly helps, as well as provides motivation to get my shit together.
    time management
    general sense of well being
    pain relief
    heartburn relief(when not smoking)
    improved concentration(i.e, focusing on one task at a time, doing a good job and not half assing it)
    and there are a bunch of others that may not be strictly medicinal benefits, but still could be considered benefits nonetheless, such as figuring out what is genuinely a need or a want, the consequences and benefits associated with actions etc...
    and one more thing, would it be simpler to grow it? not talking about anything massive, only personal use with a bit of surplus if that's even realistic.
    thanks for your input :smoke:
    PS I live in ontario, clearing things up in case someone doesn't notice my location :)
  2. Why wouldn't it be worth it? Sounds like you have nothing but positive experiences with it. I don't see reason you should stop.
  3. Exactly, but see i have no idea yet if i may even qualify, or how reasonable my doctor would be after i explained to him all of these benefits. I'm going tomorrow actually, and hoping it will bring some positive results :) The reason im doubtful right now is because my parents still may choose to take action, even though i am quite sure that they are legally not entitled to do so after 18. Time will tell I suppose.
  4. forthelulz, it seems like we have a similar story and relationship with cannabis. Your story of pre-cannabis you reminded me very much of myself until I began smoking the summer before senior year. it greatly improved my life at that time and helped me to realize alot about myself and helped me structure my life in a positive and meaningful way. Also, the social aspect of smoking with others greatly improved my communication skills by giving me ample time to practice conversation in a safe environment. the occasional social faux pas being blamed on me just being high allowed me to experiment with conversation to figure out what worked and what made me sound, well, high.

    Now, even when i have to go without cannabis i am much more functional and productive.

    I would definately reccomend getting your mmj card because even if your relationship with cannabs is short term, avoiding issues with law enforcement and having access to well grown medicine would be worth it.
  5. #5 forthelulz, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Always glad to hear another fellow stoner's accomplishments with the help of this wonderful herb :hello:. The conversation bit really relates, i could go about making mistakes and have nothing to blame it on except the high, and people were fine with that as long as my context wasn't completely outrageous XD really understanding how it was best to talk to certain individuals was possible because of first interacting with them under the influence, and applying the same things that seemed to make conversation flow, sober. you could say that doing anything you would normally do high changes your approach to things, for the better in most cases, and that approach sticks with you even in a 'normal' state of consciousness. As for getting that coveted mmj card, i shall find out in about a day :D. Thanks for the post
  6. Yes! i've always said that theres valuable lessons to be learned in altering your consciousness. If you have to learn to function in a non-normal state of mind, you will inevitably learn things you can apply to your sober state.

    That being said, too much time altered or simply being too altered has the opposite effect, you forget how to function while sober. another reason hard drugs and i never get along, and why i stick to cannabis.

    edit: never GOT along, past tense.
  7. All in moderation :smoke:

    Although functioning under the prolonged influence pot has never been such a big of an issue as the occasional drink, no matter what dosage i take of either. Simply said, i much less prefer having my body intoxicated until I: inevitably pass out and/or can no longer be called a rational human being haha. Only passed out from pot once, and in a safe location to my relief. Being 'too altered', as you put it does have its benefits if practiced under safe and controllable circumstances, mind blowing experiences await. Used in the wrong time and place however can lead to disaster:(.
  8. I am moving to a MMJ state b/c it has helped me so much with my ailments. Let us know hoe it goes with the doc....peace
  9. sure thing! i'll keep you posted on how it went down, and best of luck in applying for yours as well :)
  10. Best wishes man! Hope your doctor gives you the thumbs up! :smoke:
  11. dude the way u were pre-mj is exactly how i am now. however wen i smoke i do open up a lot but i only toke on the weekends so most people except my a few friends dont see how i am, and i rly just wish i cud smoke before school but right now i rly i cant for monetary reasons lol
  12. that's exactly how i feel right now. nobody except a select few know what kind of person i really am, most see this quiet boring metalhead dude XD. oh how i wish more knew the talkative side of me... money is also an issue for sure. careful about toking up at school though, as fun as it is you can zone out especially if it's a class not best suited towards your interests. if you can take that chance however, talking to new people has always been a cool experience
  13. i highly recommend growing. its a healthy and fun hobby. Its even got me to branch out into growing my own veggies and shit in the summer with my parents.

    It be makin me thumbs green mahnnnnnnn:D
  14. that's a first :p
    interesting to see where growing got you heh
    do you think it highly depends on location though? as in what type of house you live in
  15. Yes it depends upon location and what type of building you live in. f you are not a MMJ cardholder, all I can say is know your shit and be VERY careful. It's not worth jail time and placing those you live with the danger of the same. Being paranoid is part of it and keeps you n your toes. I don't wanna scare you away from it, just deeply encourage you to do ALL research first. It's AMAZING to have your own garden and enjoy the fruits of labor... read tons of stickies and literature to find out what growing style is best for you...PEace
  16. To answer your question- YES! :hello:

    Now click that first link in my sig to learn why- from a scientific viewpoint. Personal experience is fine, but it's subjective. Having the medical studies to back you up is far better!

    Also, is an excellent little Canadian MMJ site. (Check out the online back issues of their GREAT magazine!)

    Granny :wave:
  17. Thanks, err.. Granny :D if I may call you that? sorry Im still new here, but i take it you're a pretty renowned user here on GC:p The links are indeed full of supporting information, i really have no idea how to thank you haha. perhaps a bowl in your honor will suffice:smoking:

    Ahaah that's better:smoke:

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