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Is medical marijuana just not right for me?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by TiredOfAnxiety, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. Hi,

    Long time trauma abuse sufferer (too much to get into)
    Diagnosed with PTSD 3 yrs ago.
    Finally, after waiting 4 yrs, Pa is legal for medical pot.
    Got some on Thursday, Cresco Headband 707 pen
    Thursday I was stoned out of my gourd but kept having my heart racing, like anxiety. And nausea
    Friday was a heavenly day, all anxiety was gone.
    Saturday was horrific, all adrenaline filled anxiety all day,
    Today, Sunday, I woke up feeling depressed and nauseated

    Honestly med pot was my last chance, Ive tried everything else.
    I have no quality of life.

    I was hoping that I could just get stoned when I had an episode and the euphoria would over ride it and reset me.
    But Im nauseated and having adrenaline rushes and anxiety, making me worse.

    Am I on the wrong kind? Wrong strain?
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  2. Start with cannatonic on that list of your not use to cannabis. I’d also microdose till your use to it. Go look at the dispensaries cbd strains or try to get some strains that are low in thc.
  3. I dont see cannatonic in my states dispensaries. :(
  4. You probably overdosed Thu, and then the correct amount of medicine remained in your system to make you feel good Fri.

    Consider using a hybrid with cbd during the day, and a strong indica without cbd to get good sleep at night.
    Many (most?) peoples' sleep is helped by cbd, but because it is a slight stimulant, it harms sleep for others.

    And maybe more important, try smaller doses until you figure out what works best.
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  5. #7 GorillaGherkin, Sep 2, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
    I’ve been microdosing for years. 4am in the morning I take 2 hits of A cbd strain, around 10am another 2 hits just keeping myself level, 1pm another 2 hits, 4 pm I switch to a hybrid with no cbd and I take 2 hits, 6 pm another 2 hits, 9 pm I switch to a heavy indica 3-4 hits to put me to sleep or an edible.
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  6. What’s the name of the dispensary I wanna c the menu
    Wow some of the dispensaries are raping customers over there half gram of shatter 80$.
  7. King of Persia has cbd start there and work your way up to the heavier strains. Take a hit wait 10 min see how ya feel then take another hit. Just gotta find ur dose.
  8. Perhaps "overdosed" is the wrong word.....

    Lets not feed into myths that ppl OD from weed
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. The negative effects you describe are from THC and low tolerance most likely.

    I suggest looking into microdosing until you build a tolerance. If that doesn't work I would try CBD rich strains, but it sounds like you want to get stoned.

    If you are feeling anxious or negative, smoking weed will amplify those emptions. Wait until they pass or can you try smoking in a more social setting? I find that helps distract.

    I sincerely hope you find the relief you are looking for.
  10. Always best to be with someone or with people, if you're new to it!
  11. I feel like if I use any today at all, Ill puke my guts out.
    I also feel like my throats burning.

    Also, I have been anxious for 4 months now. I thought that med pot would help me.

    My anxiety is like this... I see or read or hear something and BOOM! adrenaline and my heart races and Im screwed up for a week to a month trying to calm down. I have no quality of life as I avoid everything.
  12. Perhaps edibles would be better for you to try.

    Microdose with a 1:1 (THC:CBD) strain. Start low and slow.

    I'd recommend nothing more than 1-2mg to start, wait 6 hrs, take another.

    If you don't get buzzed off them, that's ok. Try to find the medicinal value before the recreational.

    If you start to notice the anxiety drop a bit after a day of microdosing then perhaps you're on the right track.

    Took me about 6 weeks to get my sealegs once i started medicating.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I have dif strains for dif times of the day work days I choose a cbd sativa leaning strain that will keep me pain free and social. Afternoon I switch to a hybrid for pain and relaxation cook with the wife and be able to sit still at night timewith the wife on the couch, heavy indica 30 min before bed so it will put me to sleep quick.
  14. maybe the info @ this thread can help you to adjust your dosing and use other things besides cannabis to aid that metabolism of cannabis Good luck = Cannabis Black Pepper.

    Edit- black peppercorns reduce anxiety TOO by itself . it is the beta caryophyllene that stops anxiety... just chew on one or two and see what happens
  15. You need to step through a properly organized titration.

    Everybody and their ailments are different and the number and type of Cannabis remedies available is daunting. In my case for example, with advanced arthritis and spinal disc degeneration, it took me almost 3 years to get to where I could tolerate enough of the right kind of medication. Most people just want to get high, so tolerance is a "bad" thing for them. It is good for me. I suspect your case may be just the opposite, with microdosing as mentioned above, being the good approach. At least it is the best way to start.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I have some experience with what you're going through. First, find a therapist that's certified in EMDR training. It's not about re-living your trauma, but about tricking your own mind to cope. It was developed in part by the Pentagon to help special forces when they come home. Second, I recommend ACDC, orange tree, creme brulee, and BlackBerry kush. I hope you find relief.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  17. I hate the black pepper theory I’ve never done it. Has anyone really done it or tried it or is it something that ppl find on google or does it really work.
    Everytime I get freaked out I go n my room set an alarm on my phone for 10 min lay perfectly still close your eyes and think of a really happy moment or nothing after 3-4 min breathing slows, mind relaxes, then body. I either fall asleep or feel calm and focused when alarm goes off.
    My therapist told me about it for anxiety attacks a few years ago.

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