is it too late to save the girls?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by OhhhZeee, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. My neighbor had two kush seeds and he started them out under the light over his stove. He gave them to me since he cant find time to care for them. Both plants have a small set of leaves and they are about 5 to 6 inches long. Obviously he didn't have good enough lighting for them. They were stretching too much for light. I now have the plants under a 75 watt plant light with a lamp reflector and a cfl lamp with 17 watts. My setup has done a fine job for a plant before so I just want to know if it is too late to save the plants and what i can do to help them get back on track and start growing healthy like it should.
  2. When you transplant bury the stem further down so it doesn't topple over.

    Other than that I would have at least 150 watts of CFLs on two plants.

    Good luck:wave:
  3. Yeah i don't have any lights like that. Im just a small time grower trying to learn right now. I won't be able to spend money on lights like that till i move out of my apartment.
  4. #4 BYOweed, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    Pretty cheap really. CFLs are the spirals.

    A rough outline to go off is 100 watts for one plant, 50-75 more for each extra plant.

    Pay attention to the actual wattage. A 26 actual watt bulb is 100w equivalent.
    So if you want to grow two plants get 6 26w bulbs with Y-splitters to reduce cords.

    I would personally buy four 40w bulbs with two cords and two Y-splitters.
  5. #5 OhhhZeee, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    Oh i thought you meant the CFLs that are like 80 bucks. Yeah i only have one of those and a 75 watt plant light. They did great on the last plant. This morning i put little sticks against the plants to keep them standing straight. And how much for the y splitters?
  6. Y splitters are like 3 bucks.

    And what do you mean by a plant light?
  7. Before I knew that you could use the cheap cfls a while back I got this light that has blue coating over the bulb.its some kind of plant light. 75 watts and it gives off a good bit of heat. Hotter than the cfl for sure. But I used it on my last plant just to experiment and see if i could grow one. It turned out to be male and now I have these. One fell over when I checked this morn. Propped them up with a couple sticks &
    :right now

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