is it too late in Florida to plant outdoors? (Labor Day)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by nightnurse57, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. after visiting my friend in Michigan I got super excited about growing and sent away for some seeds. then I got sick, then the weather got bad, and then we had the hurricane (I'm on west side, did not have any trouble but still had to prepare and bring everything indoors). anyways, now the weather is over and I want to plant but I am worried it is too late in the year. I grow in pots outdoors and have 45 plants around my place so I know how to pot-garden, I just never pot-gardened pot before. will my seeds be any good in the spring? did I waste $70 on seeds? thanks and peace!
  2. The usual grow season is spring, summer, fall.
    Since your where I expect you don't get freezing temps you can grow outside year round. I can show you how.
    In either event yes your seeds will be fine come spring.

  3. I'm in Florida and have been trying to start a veggie garden. Summer is too hot, I've actually heard from multiple sources August is a best time to plant. Its barely September, might just have as short veg cycle. I'm use a tent indoors, much easier to control environment and smell.

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