is it too late? help please.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by ananduh420, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. I've been growing for the first time this past month. But a lot of things have gone wrong that are completely my fault. Ex. irregular light, not complete darkness, irregular watering. Is it too late for the plants and i should just stop trying? Or is there anyway they can still bud out?
  2. I say keep it going man! Go grab a timer for your light, less than 20 bucks at Wal-Mart or Home Depot.
  3. Never too late but it does take a little dedication. Good luck to you.
  4. does anyone know the best light schedule for this situation?
  5. 24/0 or 20/4 or 18/6. They should all be good.
  6. How old are the plants and how do they actually look?
  7. we have 4 white widow plants. i have 2 that are almost 4 months old and the first ones were the ones that we really messed up on, they are about 7 inches tall, but weve had many problems with them-leaves have dried out and some are yellowing. The two new(a month old) ones that we have seem to be very strong and if anythng i'll just throw the first 2 away. The two new ones have bigger leaves, we just moved them to bigger pots and they started yellowing a bit now too. i dont know what it could be, but we're beginners so i'm guessing it could be anything, maybe the light or light schedule, maybe the amount of water were giving them.

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