Is it to late to plant.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by triggersdown, Oct 10, 2010.

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  1. Is it to late plant?im not worried about the cold but more or less will it bud outside with the light change ?because we get about 10 mins less of light than we did in august now and probaly about 30 less when it buds.
  2. is it to late to plant because of light?
  3. all i need to know is it to late to plant outside because of light change?
  4. Go ahead and try. If it's not too cold then I don't see the problem, as long as it gets 12 hours of light, it will just go straight into flowering. I wouldn't use expensive seeds though, try some bag seed and see how it works. :wave:
  5. season is over, start planing for next year:wave:
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