My Aurora auto shes 32 days old? But has been gaining a lot of Growth! It's under 3/26 watt Cfl's. I'm using MG organic lol. But I have had to raise the light 2 times this week. their positioned where they're getting the sides of the light so it's getting more light than if they were facing straight down. I should of Topped it! But people where saying leave it alone, which I did. But now I see how much growth it's been getting it was probably possible after a few weeks to top em. But I think it's too late now? Any suggestions or feedback I appreciate it! Pics Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Why would you want to stress a plant that only has a limited time to veg? It slows down your plant in the short run. And since it's an auto you should be worried about the short run. It's just my opinion tho
Don't top. Just not necessary for autos and depending on genetics can give you the exact opposite results. LST your autos. There's plenty of guides out there, google or use the search function, low stress training. Your lil ones look good-- the growth is obviously abundant and green. Sit back and relax, they're gonna start showing off for you.
I have another week to 10 days of veg. I'm starting my new set up! Marshydro 600 LED 5x 120. In-line Carbon filter from Apollo Vet-tect booster fan(intake) 36x22x63 Apollo tent Medium: Green tree Super soil (all ready aged) 4 inch comfort zone clip on fan. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app