Yo, this is actually my first post in here! I've been working on my first grow for a few months and ended up with only 1 female, but my problem is I don't know when she will be ready to harvest? please help!!!!
heres a link on harvesting and curing man hope it helps. the sites almost got everything you need try the search thingy http://forum.grasscity.com/harvesting-processing-marijuana/424138-simple-harvest-cure-step-step.html
hope this helps http://forum.grasscity.com/harvesting-processing-marijuana/666373-guide-when-harvest.html
You have to look at the trichs! On a side note, I am tired of these threads, use the search funtion. Get a 20x lense or scope and look at the trichs, they tell you everything. A simple picture that you post will not let us provide you with the answer, unless it is of the trichs.
Do you know how long it's been going? What they say about looking to see how cloudy or amber the trichs are is true. But if I had to ball park it, I'd say you would be happy if you waited 2-3 weeks. Although it looks pretty narly right now, just judging from the fact that none of the fan leafs are really yellow, or falling off, I'd give it more time. Not saying that that's the best judge, just your plant looks like it's still got lots to give.
heres some pics from yesterday!!! 1 and 1 and 1/2 more weeks i suspect. (still a newb)!! but can't wait!!!
I would say at least 2 more weeks, the fan leaves are still quite green. Most outdoor grows turn them yellow and that's when you should really start thinking about harvesting, as the plant uses us the last of it's strength into the flowers.