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Is it straight to smoke here?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by vinny134, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. So my house is three stories and on the third floor is a bathroom. If you go in the bathroom there is another door that leads into the attic. The door that goes in the attic has some kind of tape on it to keep the heat from escaping so I figured if it keeps heat from escaping then why couldnt it do the same for smoke. I'm getting a new bong in a few days and was wondering if it would be straight to smoke in that room without running a serious risk of it stinking up the whole house. My parents never go up there so the only thing Im concerned with is the smell traveling down stairs. What do you guys think?
  2. Smoke rises bruh
  3. they will notice. it will only work when they go out.
  4. Are there windows upstairs? I would definitely blow that shit out of a window if you can. Also, make a doob tube of some sort to counteract the smell. Wedge towels under the the door so smoke doesnt flow out. I dunno man, only you know how safe it is to smoke in your own house. I would really only smoke a vape in my parents house. Best wishes though! :bongin:
  5. ^^^^
    loololololol xD

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