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is it safe?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by allnaturalxx420, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. i wanna try to completley clean my glass bowl. but id like to be able to smoke my resin. can you smoke if you do the rinse with 70% isopropyl alcohol,cause thats all i have?
  2. Yes, that's fine. When I clean my bowl I usually use 73% and up, use salt too. There's no point in cleaning it if you want to smoke resin. (And the resin isn't smoke-able after you clean it with alcohol and salt, it all comes off in little pieces and floats in the alcohol.)
  3. Salt is annoying, just run hot water on it / through it, then (not mixing the ISO with the hot water) run ISO through, repeat as needed

    Just make sure you rinse the ISO out and you're good, and don't use a shitload, don't huff on the fumes
  4. i heard youre suppose to use kosher salt, can you use table salt or does it just not work?
  5. you can use any kind of salt rock salt for like your driveway actually does the best job but i usually use table salt and it deff works just fine
  6. aright thanks for the help people.
  7. Make sure to post back later and tell us how well it worked!
  8. Yuck, don't bother smoking the resin, in fact, RESIN isn't really what it's TAR. The same shit they use to pave streets. Just throw it out man, there's so little active cannabinoids left in it, you actually get high from oxygen deprivation rather than THC.
  9. it will be about an hour before i do it, and i dont pick up till next saturday but i guess its a nice little t-break.

  10. I agree with Will. I personally don't find resin to be worth it, but to each their own haha.

    If you are going to collect all your resin after cleaning your piece I would avoid using any salt until you have all the resin you want out. I would also make sure you let it dry for a day so all the iso evaporates.
  11. you could soak your resinated pieces in iso and then strain the resin-iso out you have a brownish liquid with no chunks. Let that evap. Voila, Hash.
  12. i did pipe is pretty spotless
  13. see easy as that

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