i want to get a light off of ebay. htgsupply thats the companys name. does anybody have any buying exp. with buying lights off the internet. should i be scared to get it shipped to my house??
Don't ever have equipment shipped to the location where you are growing and obviously it's in your best interest to use a form of payment that doesn't leave a paper trail with your name all over it...although if you're just growing a few plants in your house that's a non-issue. Other than that you're fine, high tech garden is an excellent company
Yea htg is a good company. I buy stuf from horticulture source too. Just don't buy anything out of hightimes magazine! Lol. And as long as ur not droppin big dollars I've used paypal, but he's right don't get it shipped to your spot. What kind of light u thinkin about buyin?
Grand Rapids Press sportswriter keeps job, avoids jail after pot bust | wzzm13.com | Grand Rapids, MI Busted from credit card use at grow supply places Tough choice. might be an option, I'm sure all places will work with you without question or difficulty. If they do, fuck 'em
C'mon. 71 plants? That is a commercial grow. Something tells me someone tipped LEO off. You can never be too careful. But you can be too paranoid. If LEO checked out everyone that bought a grow lamp, the people that sold grow lamps would go out of business. There are legitimate reasons for these products. Tell only those that need to be told about your grow. Loose lips sink ships. It worked then, it works now. Good luck.
yea i am not going to take the risk still. i do not want to worry about anything. so i will just go buy it. for my self and use cash so i know everything will be ok. i have a 100 watt mh for the veg on my plants right now. i was thinking of just getting a hps for th hole grow. or do u think i should just use the mh. or should i use both?? and the hps would be a 150 sun system with a 100 w mh if i do both lights. but some people say that hps is not good for the veg becuse is makes it stretch more. what should i do
Like mad4reef said, these are legal and many use them for indoor gardens. And for what its worth, the local grow shop could be under the eyes of LEO's.
ok i have 3 plants in a 2x2 box 4 foot high. i have one 100 watt mh light in there right now. the plants seem to like it but not sure if its doing any good. and i want to start to flower them before they get to big. not sure how much they would grow during flowering stage. and back to the lights is it safe to get them shipped and bought with a credit card. i have no where else to get the light shipped but my house. and i could do a money order. but i was just wondering if i could use a credit card. and how can the grow shop be under watch. even if i pay cash i could be wathced??
HTG ships in plain brown wrappers, and I have had lots of stuff from them. I do this legally, but I can see no reason to get all worked up over a light over the net. Your growing tomatoes and garlic anyway, right?
I feel that it is safer to buy equipment online then at the hydro shop. Where I live the main hydro store is a part of town where cops have nothing to do other then drive around. They watch who goes to the store and what they come out with. They will follow you to your house and basically stalk you. If you get it sent to your house over the internet it is a lot less likely the cops are going to know about you receiving the package. I actually decided to grow organically bc I dont want to risk going to the hydro store.
so what should i do guys, i want this light off of ebay. but i do not want the cops at my front door. i have no idea what to do now? never thought about being followed home?
Like I said HTG ships in plain packages, I would get it online personally. Its not a big deal man. its good to be carefull but paranoid its not. Its a simple light man and millions of people buy them for all kinds of reasons. When you start acting like you are doing something wrong then you are. If you act like its just another day, well then thats what it is.
yea i undestand i guess i will just stick to the store. i do not have to pay for shipping and wait for it., i just feel weird about buying somthing like that over the internet. i have no idea who is watching or anything. thanks for the help
Too each their own. You may save on shipping, but you are almost definitely going to pay a higher price for the products. I understand your hesitation with buying equipment online. But, I have said it before and I will say it again. There is nothing ILLEGAL about what you are buying. Good luck.
Horticulture lighting is perfectly legal to buy and own. Online is a much safer way to buy your stuff than going to a local hydro store. It has happened where a cop follows someone home from a hydro store or runs the license plates of the cars in the parking lot, now they have a suspect to rag on. Not enough evidence to get a warrant, but since when does that stop a cop with a bug up his ass? They can harass you, knock-and-talk, pull you over for "weaving", etc hoping to trip you up. But your local LEO will never get a subpoena for the records of an online store based in another jurisdiction. That story about the guy in Michigan busted for growing did not say anything about credit card records being the evidence trail. I use credit cards for everything I buy for my grow except for beans, for those I don't want a paper trail because they are illegal so I use money order or pre-paid VISA/MC gift card.
Toasty's right online is a safer option IMO. Anything can happen on your way home, u don't come to a complete stop at a stop sign a Leo pulls u over and finds a hps, nutes, and a flood and drain stray. U know he'd be makin a mental note of your address! Lol. But ihave havin this hobby for over 5yrs and I get everything I use online and pay with paypal, except beans.And I never spend over $300 at a time. The closest grow shop to my house is over an hour away so unless I really need something right this minute, I just order it. Internet prices r also cheaper than any grow shop I've ever been too and that's with shipping in most cases. And u get it brought right to your door, always a plus for a stoner!!
hey man, if your this worked up over a light being shipped. imagine how paranoid you will be when you have 3 or 4 plants 55 days into flower?? just a thought. -MS-
I bought my 250hps HTG light set up plus mylar from HTGsupply. The box it came in was unmarked and sent from some guy (they used a random name) from a different state of the shop or from a diffent zip i forget how they did that iono but thats how it came. It was very stealth and the feds have yet to bust my doors down