Is it possible to.....

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by tsarone, May 13, 2008.

  1. make a Nasal Spray full of cocaine?

    I'm currently sick and got to thinking that it would be so much easier for coke users if they had a pocket sized spray...

  2. Yes it is, cocaine is water soluable.

    You would just put the coke in water, then into the spray and use it as a spray. The hard part would be figuring out how many sprays = a line (or some weight) but it's really not that hard to figure out.
  3. Lol yeah...that's a good idea for a coke fiend. You could snort it in a public place, shit right in front of a cop.
  4. Hmmm I might acutally try this....It sounds like it should work, and like the guy above said, coke is water soluable.
  5. You would have to find a way to compress the water and cocaine though... Those nasal sprays are compressed I'm pretty sure. I could be wrong though.
  6. they don't use a compressed gas like whip creme if thats what you're thinking of.

    They use just a regular pump nozle, such as on windex and shit
  7. You can't compress liquids.
  8. Technically you can compress a liquid.
  9. Uh yes you can...what are you talking about?
  10. Nasal sprays aren't compressed. All pump action =]
    Start a drug empire with this!
    "Why are all these kids running around with flonaise?"
    Well. . . ten years from now you'll be behind that, right?
  11. Yeah I wasn't sure if they were or not. So anyway, in theory this should work. I actually might try this, I'm picking up an eightball this weekend.

    Basically what I'm gonna do is empty a nasal spray, and count how many pumps it takes to empty it. That should give me a good idea of how much coke will come out each pump. I just need to get a good coke to water ratio. I'm hoping to get about 6 lines into it, if that's possible, I'm not sure if I will be able to use that much in one batch.

    I'll post pictures of it this weekend when I get it, and possibly a video of me using it.
  12. If liquids could be compressed then hydraulics wouldn't work. When you apply a force to any matter it can either transfer the energy or absorb it (compress), but not both. Liquids transfer energy.
  13. liquids can be compressed. psi is not only for gasses. you can have a liquid compressed at x PSI as well.
  14. I have a friend that does this.It works.
  15. I'll partially concede on this one. Partially. I talked to my engineering professor for a while about this one and he explained to me that liquids can be compressed, but it requires an insane amount of force. This is where my last post comes into play. Hydraulic presses can and do exert hundreds of thousands of pounds of force and guess what? The liquid inside the cylinder has not been compressed, even under such a massive force. For all practical purposes liquids cannot be compressed.

  16. LMAO great idea.
  17. would the coke be all clumpy and turn into a paste? keep us updated if you actually make this

    edit - nevermind i didn't realize that it's water soluble. is it possible to make a cocaine drink then? haha
  18. I saw a tutorial on how to do exactly this once somewhere online. I believe it may have been somewhere on erowid's cocaine page.
  19. im not big on coke but if i was....well damn that would be awesome

  20. [see: the original recipe for coca-cola]

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