Is it possible to stall vegetative growth?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by harrycharles, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hi basically I've got two seedlings on the go. One of them is fine but the other isn't progressing past the first set of leaves. It's a tangerine dreams and when she sprouted the cotyledons were stuck together and I didn't notice till a day later and prised them open. The first set of leaves grew wierd and no more have shown while her sister has got to 4 sets now. Anyway it seems this one is write off so I've set about germinating another. The question I was hoping you good people could answer is....can I stall the healthy one by not transplanting it so the newbie can catch up?

    400w MH very high for seedlings
    Tangerine dream fem (barneys)
    2 cubic metres
  2. Stick it in the darkest corner of your veg box and the other should be able to catch up if not to far of a time between them.

    If you have a clone area to put it in even better.
  3. Next time it is advisable to start a few more and kill the weaker ones so you don't run into this problem again!
  4. Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated
  5. just put it under less light till the new one catches up
  6. if you have it in a small container keep it there. that way it will have to be root bound. how old is the one with 4 sets? and off topic.

    i just planted 2 seeds yester day. how long do the plants take to reach a height of 6 inches?

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