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Is it possible to ride a high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Spaceape, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. By that I mean is it possible to control it.

    When I got high for the first time there were times where if I concentrated enough i wouldn't feel high and this was usually when I was standing/walking.

    However, if I switched off my brain (esp when sitting) the high would take over me. It was a weird feeling coming in and out of a high.

    Or it could just be I wasn't high enough :)
  2. If you're asking what I think you are, yes. Often when I'm out in public with my friends, walking or something, I can "shut it off". I know I'm high, but I don't act it or show it, I just sort of feel it. It's something everyone who smokes definitely needs to learn to do as you'll have to go out at some point while stoned.
  3. Yeah we went outside and every time people walked by my brain switched back on and the warmth was still there but it was harder for me to show it.
  4. When you get older you start to realize that no matter how well you think your covering up the fact that your are stoned (i.e. cologne, eye drops, mints, etc.) there is a VERY good chance that your boss knows that you get high.

    That chance goes up ten fold if he himself/herself also partakes in cannabis consumption.

    Most employers know your high by just looking at your mannerisms and behavior whether you fit the stereotype or not, you go to lunch get high and come back.

    This is not universally true, but ask your old employers some time and you'll find it is more often than not.
  5. I guess if I am understanding you correctly.

    Yes, I can make myself not SEEM high.

    No matter what, i feel it. but getting blazed before work, I act completely appropriate.

    Which when you think about it. Its insane really that we can do something like that with weed, but its laughably impossible with alcohol.

    I'd really like to see someone "ride" a "drunk"

    Yeah. People at my job know when im high, but its just cause certain mannerisms of mine change. It has nothing to do with my work productivity.
  6. Everyone should know how to ride their own high, especially depending where you are - because that's when you need to determine - does it matter if anyone knows?
    Sometimes it does and doesn't, but I always ride my high, just for sheer fun.
  7. It seems so stupid how something like alcohol was chosen to be more socially acceptable than weed.

    I could easily drive a car, act appropriately in public hell even operate heavy machinery when stoned but god help me if I'm drunk.
  8. Oh I TOTALLY agree.

    That's what I was saying. People who see you EVERY day can tell IF they are paying attention and know what to pay attention to.

    Not to say it makes you a less productive worker at all, in fact in many cases I would be compelled to argue the opposite of claim. It just depends on the person.

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