is it possible to hide the smell of 10 plants in a room?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by u mad?, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. #1 u mad?, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    i've heard of these ' carbon filters '

    can i just hook that up to a window? then seal the room best i can??? is this realistic?

    any help appreciated!

  2. There's these things called Carbon Filters, resemble a can, it's basically a Air Scrubber. I don't have any experience with them but Im pretty sure you just hook it up to a exhaust fan with ducting and run it out side, should do the trick.
  3. yeah thats the one.
    pretty much how i thought it'd work, thanks man.

    so anyone had experience with them?
  4. my cab has a 6"x6" exhaust exit beginning with an inline fan to push air through my filter then it exits the cab.
  5. Yes. You can build your own.

    Are those 10 plants in a box/cab or just out in that room? You'll need a good-sized filter for 10 plants, and if they are out in the room you will need a larger one and a larger fan because you will need to be scrubbing all the air in that room.
  6. cab? is that like a big box you keep your plants in?
    they'll be out in the room....

    can i just buy one of these scrubbers? how much $$$ would one cost for one that would be sufficient for my setup?
    thanks man but is you link broken? maybe its just my browser playing up????
  7. mothballs work wonders. inside and out. id rather just outside though because the smell is strong
  8. #9 Deadman, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Link works when i try it but heres where they are www . 4hydroponics . com I did not want this link to work so you can cut and paste it and remove the spaces
  9. You will need a big carbon filter and a big fan with thought-out ventilation system to scrub a whole room. Let's say that room is 10x12x8h, that's almost 1,000 cubic feet of air to cleanse. If you had them in a cab or tent that is, for example, 5x3x5h you would have only 75 cubic feet of air to cleanse.
  10. I would just advise you to buy a scrubber. Yes, you can make one and I know plenty who have. They all wish they would have just paid the money to have an assurance of close to 2 years of no worries. I know there are guides here on making your own, I have read where some are happy with it. I have also read about many just wishing they would have spent the money and got the correct one for their needs. I've read about folks doing their own and wound up still not being able to mask the smells correctly. Granted, craftsmanship and the ability to construct things is not on everyone's radar. With the proper scrubber in place, you will mask that smell with no worries. Good luck.
  11. Um, no they all don't.

    I'm sure some do, but just check the threads on GC where a carbon filter is recommended, you see tons of people advising to make your own, so they (myself included) are perfectly happy with the result from what we can easily do ourselves.

    Buying a filter isn't a bad choice, if you can afford it. To each his own. But let's not characterize everyone who chooses differently from ourselves as regretful.
  12. ^I've heard lots of people who say their home made carbon filters don't work well.

    There was a really good post about an ONA bucket set up that is probably easier and cheaper to make.

    Anyone have the link?
  13. #15 Heartburn, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    I understand that, but if you read my post correctly. First, I spoke of the people I actually know in person that have done this and was speaking of that demographic. I then spoke of the other which is here online, and I said that there were both sides of the issue, some were happy and some were not. You are of the happy section, but as Jdahms posted after you, the facts remain the same.
  14. ona is expensive doesnt last long
  15. Fair enough. +rep to kiss and make up. :p

    There is essentially no difference between a carbon filter you buy and a well-made DIY one. Problem is, too many folks don't make a good one, they make it too small or they use the wrong kind of carbon, etc. Sure, those won't work well. But carbon filtration is the A-#1 method of cleaning odors from the air in homes, in industrial settings, in hospitals -- good ones definitely work.
  16. Buy a blower buy a filter...guaranteed happiness and in this business a guarantee may be the difference between jail food and taco bell if ya know what im saying.
  17. Listen to Toasty, he definately knows what he's talking about.

    Make one, but make sure you get a big enough fan to pull or push air through that filter.

    You'll need it for sure if your going to have 10 plants..

    Good luck to you:smoking:
  18. ok, thanks guys.

    how big of a filter/fan would i need? any links of a diy? how expensive would it cost to buy one? how expensive would it be build one?

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