Well it got me thinking.. our lifestyle is so great compared to less fortunate countries.. I mean we aren't the greatest country in the world.. but we have running water, electricity, cars, roads, INTERNET, etc.. I think most people take our resources for granted Anyways, I was wondering if it was possible for all that to be gone with a snap of a finger? What if one day there was no oil, food shortages, and water was scarce? Is it even possible? I think im just being paranoid because it's 2012 but I hope it doesnt happen. Somebody please tell me this cannot happen!
Oil is running out, but that's about it. You can't just run out of water or electricity because one is constantly being recycled, while the other is a renewable source of energy that can be reproduced. The only reason people keep using oil is because the whole world as a whole is too lazy to change.
Eventually our planet will reach it's carrying capacity and our resources will be gone, a lot of people will die. However it won't happen at the snap of a finger, prices will increase more and more, we'll see it coming. Didn't mean to worry you. It's really unlikely for that to happen in our life time.
A lot if things can happen just like that ::snaps finger:: but oil will take awhile and im hoping we will have alternate source of fuel or all electric cars by the time that happens.. We will adapt have been doing so for along time.
All energy on this planet comes from the sun, and always has. Even the energy from oil and coal came from the sun, it was just stored as potential energy in that plant matter, and the plants got it from the sun. So, technically speaking, it will run out when the sun is gone. Practically speaking, we can 'run out' of all those things, when the demand for it exceeds the ability to produce it. There will still be lots of water, because when it's used it doesn't go anywhere, it either gets recycled into something usable again or not. If the amount of water that's unusable becomes so low that there's not enough for someone, that person will have effectively 'run out' of water, if that number of people becomes so great that it affects the entirety of humanity, then we will have effectively run out of water. Same goes for food. Electricity is a pure form of energy, in that it isn't stored as potential energy first. It can be more easily harvested for our use, so it's a little harder to 'run out' of it. If our means to harvest it cease to function, then it's we will have effectively 'run out'. Important note: Most places in the world use a limited resource to produce electricity. In America it's mostly coal, which we can and will run out of.
yeah, there is some estimate some where about how many years left we have until we've drilled out all the oil the earth has for us. like you said it'll be so highly priced there will be oil left but at such a ridiculous amount only the richest of the riches can afford it
Is this when we'll turn to hemp? Or do you think we'll be using hemp as an energy source before that happens. And if it's the richest of the rich who would be able to use the oil, does that mean oil tycoons will be the only ones using it? Then their riches will decline
Oil is running out. and Water is being privatized which is fuckin scary. People shouldn't be allowed to "own" water. Selling water to people is a crime IMO it's part of the earth and we need it to survive. Luckily they don't charge us to breathe.....yet, until they pass the carbon tax.
Well, we're currently the big dogs of the world. So if you live in the U.S.A you shouldn't have anything to worry about during your time on earth. Our children/grand-children on the other hand will be dealing with some consequences of our actions. We have trillions in debt, all it would take is for one of the Eastern nations to decline our currency and as a country we would be in a very hard time. Dollars would be worth pennies, 35 bucks for a loaf of bread. That's my only real concern as of late.
There are a lot of power sources that we don't use in our economy currently for a number of reasons. Mainly, not enough profit to warrant a change in the system since profits are "good" right now. Another is because of political issues involving the matter. Again, it comes down to the dollar. Really, though, I wouldn't worry. As long as we're breathing, we have options available to us such as solar power, nuclear power, and wind power, as well as other options that the public eye doesn't have an inkling of a clue over. The fuels are no different. All you hear about is oil because that's how the corporations want it. By their petrol or gtfo, in their eyes. Still, plenty of options remain like renewable energies from hemp, electricity, biofuel/biodiesel, and renewable energy. We'll be fine, honestly. We just have to wise up.
Oil isn't running out. There's enough proven oil reserves in the ground under America's feet to las america for the next 100 years, natural gas 400 years. Coal? don't remember that number but it was a very long time. Google it, The infor's out there. Cheers
As for the OP's original question. One nuke exploded above our atmosphere & we are back to the 1800's. No electricity, no running water, no food deliveries to the local super, no gas supplies. Most everything nowadays is run by computer chip an electro magnetic pulse caused by one nuke fries everything. Well supplied & well armed should be a top priorty for every American.
we have surpassed peak (and cheap) production of both oil and food. Im sure youve read about the oil situation and peak oil - however this isnt such a bad thing - renewable sources of energy will become more viable and us in the west will likely never be without our creature comforts such as the internet. Food on the other hand is a different matter, we have reached peak production of phosphur rock, which is a major component of the fertiliser needed to sustain mass production of crops, without it our arable land will deteriorate beyond sustainable levels within a matter of 1-2 seasons. With an increasing population, people already starving and the slow decline of fertiliser over the next 20 years this could be a problem - but yet again i highly doubt the powers that be would allow mass starvation to occur in the west. Again we are relying on science to come up with a solution before a major catastrophe occurs - nutrients derrived from the ocean creating chemical based foods etc.
Due to the massive population growth food will become increasingly scarce. In the next 80 years humanity will need to grow/produce MORE food than we have grown/ produced in the last 80,000 years to maintain the projected population increase worldwide. Also the U.S. enough fossil fuel is stored underground to fuel the needs of America for the next 50+ years. Wealthy stock-owners are who own it, and with it they control the gasoline market, surplus, scarcity, ridiculous prices, etc... They have us addicted so, paying for politicians campaigns( unlimited donation amounts wouldn't you know. Then said politicians repeal all progressive applications of *** fuel. What this means to you: if you haven't taken advantage of your second ammendment a strongly recommend you do.