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Is it possible for me to "grow"

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by devils42491, Aug 20, 2008.

    • Hydro or Soil (Describe what type of products your using)
    • Type of light? (Wattage, Color Temp, Distance, Light Timings)
    • "Atmosphere" Conditions (Air Temperature, Humidity, Fan Description, Air Type)
    • Waterings (Type Of Water, How Often You Are Watering, Size of Container)
    • PH Range (Of the Water Your Giving, and Runoff Out of Container)
    • Nutrients/Supplements (Brand, Ingredients, NPK Rating, Dosage, How Often)
    • Pictures if possible! (Posting pictures can describe the problem for you)
    • Design and Dates (Size of your setup, and how long you have had it, age of the P's)
    • Other Any other information you can think of not included by these subjects.
    When i say grow i don't mean the conventional way, i mean very stealth, and low budget. I know most of you will say something like "if you're gonna grow do it right" but that is simply not an option with me. I plan on spending at or around 0 dollars on growing.
    I am going to be a senior at high school. My friend gave me a Luigi's water ice cup with some dirt from his front yard in it, and about 4 presumed marijuana plants growing. Two are about 2-3 inches tall, and look identical. The other two are still <.25 inches from the ground, and are more of just seeds that were left on top, and are trying to find soil i think. He said he can't do anything with them since he going to Florida (from new jersey) for college. I just picked em up from his house, and put them in the gutter outside my room(i have roof out my window). There it would get about 3/4 a full day of sun. I just watered it a little bit, with water from tap, and poked holes in the cup. The plants are probably between 1 and 2 weeks old. I would eventually need to move from my gutter once they got bigger, and had a few places in mind. One would be in the woods, another at a old person's house who i do yard work for so they wouldn't notice. Any other ideas are open if you can think em. No growing in house possible
    I was wondering
    1.)should i grow given my situation(i.e. could i pull it off)
    2.) if i do grow
    A.)how long will it take before i should move them out of gutter
    B.) what soil should i use
    C.) should i put each in a separate container
    D.) how much should i water/often
    E.) how much sun is necessary/best
    F.) any other tips to aid in survival/advice to offer that would apply to me
  1. First thing first growing on someone else's property is a huge no no, if somehow that plant was found, that little old lady you speak of could get in a lot of trouble. Second, there are TONs of threads with the info your asking, maybe even on this first page. Now im not trying to be a dick and say JUST SEARCH. Im actually nicely recommending you search, because thats how i learned, and it helped ALOT, good luck.
  2. #3 Duckhead, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
    Let see .... You have :

    0 experience

    0 budget

    0 resources

    Experience can be learned ,but without a little $$ and a proper safe growing environment, its not going to work.

    Best case scenario is a few grams of larfy poorly done weed .... worst case scenario is upsetting your folks and possible jail time.

    Sorry, but the risk vs reward equation just doesn't add up.
  3. No way should you attempt growing right now. Some of the things you talked about (stashing a plant at an older persons house) are actually pretty fucked up... you could get that person in a lot of trouble if someone sees that plant, and that's NOT cool.

    You simply cannot grow good pot and spend no money... it just doesn't work that way. Growing can get to be a pretty expensive hobby, and pretty quickly at that.

    ....but rule no. 1: NEVER GROW POT IN MOMMY AND DADDY'S HOUSE! If you get busted, they go to jail right along with you... once again, not cool. You should never grow pot unless you are willing and able to deal with the possible consequences WITHOUT putting other people in harm's way.

    Finish the school year, get your own place and a job, and grow all the weed your little heart desires when you're an adult - and can afford to do it properly and ethically... and take those plants out of your gutter before

    a.) someone sees them, or
    b.) you go and fuck up your parents gutters and cause a serious and expensive problem.
  4. good advice lol i'll get right to it
    sometimes i wonder if kids these days even think

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