these babies are age between 22 days and 17 days, I can't see any male yet still, can barely see the girls. anyone got any idea? thanks
trying to upload but my network is so bad I can't do much. but I though lowryder #2 were suppose to show the boys around 17 to 20 days though
here's a few pics I taken today. I read everywhere saying they should show the male between 17 to 20 days, these are 18 to 23 days, I can't see nothing from any of them. anyone? I switch the bulb from 6400k to 2700k today, should I keep it this way or switch back again? thanks
I feel ya there, you must got a shitty camera like me. Does your camera got a macro mode? Mine does but it doesnt help much. I bet they are showing sex though, I just grew out Masterlow(masterkush X Lowryder) for 20 something days, they were all males(4). They do show sex quick, usually by the 5th internode. 3 showed in 16 days under 24/7 HPS light and the other mutant took a week longer, I thought it was a female because it was taking so long, I was pretty shitty. I got a few more seeds left though.
I try that, I'm usng the camera on the Samsung F480, which got better pic than the N95 8GB, suprisingly. they both got macro mode, I try that tomorrow when I get over there again, they in my dad's, I don't live there hope mine are girls, the stems are so hairy on them, but that don't tell anything thanks
ok is anything showing in these pics guys? is it ok to put them in 12/12 to force them if they not showing anything? thanks
naa. not yet. but soon. look for white hairs that would shoot out. very very obvious to the eye. that would be female. male would be a cluster of small green balls
4 boys found today gonna start another grow now with feminis seeds Masterkush dont know wat the other 6 are yet but not looking good
like was stated above negative. just keep postin pics and we'll get it figured out, good luck on a female!
I got one girl for defo wow, I think there's one more boy, 80% certain there's one more boy, I know for sure tomorrow, the other 5 aint showing nothing, mixed seeds really sux, 10 in a pack and 5 were boys I'm getting feminised from now on, works out costing me the same money and less to no gamble here's the girl on the boys, instead of seeing the little white hair, I see tiny little green balls they're all dead now
a bit of update, after a few days, 7 boys were killed off, left with 3 girls, one is very heathy and hairy all over, one moving slowly but nicely, one moving extremely slow and the top looks a bit burned, I posted a question in another post about trimming off the big fan leafs but got no answer, so I went ahead and did it anyway, if it grows great, if it dies I couldn't care less I will only get feminized from now on, it was a very big dissapointment.