is it possable

Discussion in 'General' started by Pot_Head4Life, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. to smoke so much in one period of time too like bug?? like halusionate and see shit.
    p.s. i cant spell sorry
  2. no it is not possable too like halusionate
  3. nope sorry unless there is somethin special in your press :smoke:
  4. Actually you can smoke to the point of hallucination, but you have no idea the amount it would be, because you would have to smoke to such a degree where your brain has such an insane amount of smoke being transmitted to it that blood flow decreases drastically and you'll hallucinate but however if you smoke that much you could die, not because it's marijuana, but simply because of lack of blood to the brain due to over exposure to smoke, and by that I mean like hot boxing a room for like 3 days straight with a few friends CONSTANTLY smoking weed, eating, sleeping, etc. there and not leaving, then you'll have honest to god hallucinations, but I've never met anyone who's done that, but at the university of washington they conducted a smoke experiment that I got the privilege of observing during it's happening.
  5. what if you smoke a vap you whould get more thc
  6. Well during the experiment they used smoke from burning wood, not marijuana, but a vap actually makes steam not smoke, so that would really change things, and at that point you'd probably just start throwing up like crazy before you got to an overload of the brain ><.
  7. this thread is full of FAIL.

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